July 7, 2013
Today is our last day in Portland, tomorrow we'll head into Washington. We've throughly enjoyed seeing our family and friends, but we are ready for our next leg. Both of us agree, Havasu in now home! Never thought we'd say that, but it's true!
Got up and Bobby did the laundry and vacuumed....he's wonderful! I cooked breakfast and then went to Michael's to purchase some stuff for the Havasu New Year's eve party and my tye dying class my neice is going to have at her place the end of July. That will certainly be fun!
My sister Margie called around 11:00 and I met her at Lloyd Center for a day of shopping. Did not buying anything but had wonderful time visiting with her.
Stopped at grocery store for a few items for trip tomorrow and then came home. Tonight we are going over to Mark & Conni's for hamburgers and to give our goodbye hugs and kisses.
Tomorrow we'll head to Olympia
July 6, 2014
Ashley, Kay & Bobby |
Aunt Boo |
We left around 2:30 and went to Hubbard to see the old homestead. Looks better than when I saw it a month ago. They sort of cleaned up the yard. Still needs a lot of TLC but that's there choice. On the way back to the hwy, we stopped by Voget's meat market....still the same. Bought a pound of bacon....looked good, hope it tastes good.
Robyn & granddaughter Sylvia |
On the way home we went to the peach farm (can't remember the name) and picked 4 lbs of fresh peaches at 80 cents a lb. Ate one while picking them....excellent. Will make a pie or something, once they ripen.
July 5, 2013
Played golf with Steve & Danny at Claremont. Only played 9 holes. Afterwards the four of us went to the Pub & Grill off 185th & Baseline in Beaverton. We then caught up with Shelly and went and had Chinese food at Yins in Tigard....excellent food.
Came home and made chocolate peanut butter bars for tomorrow family party. They are sooooo good.
July 4, 2013
Hard to believe it's already the 4th of July. We've been gone almost 2 months....can't believe it.
Today was quiet for us....we did watch the fireworks across the river at Fort Vancouver....both of us agree, we are spoiled by Lake Havasu fireworks in Feb. Theses certainly did not compare!!!
July 3, 2013

July 2, 2013

While Cindy and I were having lunch, Bobby walked to our PO Box and picked up the mail. Wanted to give us some GIRL time....lol.
Weather is hot still....90's. Very humid, unusual for Portland but better than Havasu weather at 117.
Around 8:30 my sister in TX called, our niece Venessa gave birth to Gracie May today. She's very early, only 26 weeks along and only weighed 1 lb 8 oz. Mother and daughter are doing fine but Gracie had to be transported to a preemie unit at another hospital. Venessa won't be able to join her for 3-4 days because of her high blood pressure and her C section.
June 1, 2013
Bobby played golf with his two buddies Danny & Kenny, while I caught up on the bills, etc. Pretty uneventful day for us.
It's hot but cooler weather will be coming by Thursday. Should be back in 80's tomorrow and then 70's by Friday. Yeah!!!!!
June 30, 2013
Did not do much until around 3:30 when we went to Brad & Diane Roberts home for dinner. We have benn together as a gang for a couple of years. Arlan and Caroline were there also....we reminisced about our boat days....had lots of laughs about many of the weekends we spent together up and down the Columbia River. We had not seen their two kids (Grant & Loran) for over 7 years. OMG, have they grown up. We reconized Grant, but Loran, we would not have known her. She's almost 6' and beautiful. She'll be a senior next yr. Grant is working for Columbia out on Marine Dr. Great job.
Diane fixed a lovely dinner, then we sat around and talked. So nice to catch up on their lives.
June 29, 2013
Left around 8:00 AM and drove to Lebanon, OR to play golf with Ron & Paula at Mallard Creek Golf Course. They are staying at the resort until Monday. Ron was able to get free rounds for us....thank you Ron!!!
We had a great time and after golf sat around and visited until we left around 5:30. Traffic was fine, so did not take much over 1 1/2 hrs to get home. Long day but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
June 28, 2013
Met Danny at Broadmoor for breakfast, then we went and played golf at Camas Meadows in Vancouver, WA, aren't you surprised? Our time in Oregon is almost over so we are trying to get games in with our friends, before we leave on 8th. Must admit, I played well on the back but the front was horrible. Course was so beautiful....the house on it are million dollar homes. Love all the landscaping and GREEN grass....lol.
Afterwards had lunch at Broadmoor and then came home. The coach was warm....it was 83 outside, heading for 90. Turned the air on for Max....OK, me too! We'll stay in the rest of the evening.
June 27, 2013
Had our last drs. appts today. Got our eyes tested, we need reading glasses, already knew that, but otherwise health. I had a special test done for my peripheral vision, won't know those results for 4-5 days. Has to do with the diabetes in my family. This took the majority of the morning.
Did not do much else, just took it easy. Spent the evening visiting with my friend Cindy, who also lives in the RV Park. We'll play golf together on Tuesday.
June 26, 2013
Ran a few errands, took Max to Petco to get his nails trimmed and went to grocery store. An unexciting morning.
Ron wanted to go for a walk around 2, so we took him to the Children's Arboretum about a mile walk from here. Ron and peanut (the dog) like the park! Came home and got ready to go to Beaches with the Browns. Tonight is their last night in park, heading to Eugene tomorrow.
Went to Beaches (located in Vancouver ). It's on the Columbia River.....it was a great night for sitting and watching the river. Had dinner and cocktails with them plus Paula's best friend Joann and her mom.
June 25, 2013
Bobby is playing golf and I'm doing laundry. Such a fun chore!
Bobby called around 11:30, his friend Chuck needs help transporting a car, so not sure what time he'll get home.
Tonight we are going to Brad & Diane's house for a BBQ....ok, think it will be something else, it's pouring! Arlan & Caroline will be there, it will be great to have the 6 of us together. We used to go on the river together. Sure we'll have many great memories to talk about tonight.
Dinner got cancelled...Di is sick, rescheduled for Sunday.
Around 8:00 PM Bobby decided we needed ice cream so we took Ron & Paula to Dairy Queen. I tried to Chocolate Truffle blizzard....OMG is it rich and good! Bobby had a turtle blizzard, Paula Oreo blizzard and Ron, soft chocolate ice cream (boring....lol)!
June 24, 2013
Have to see the dermatologist today. Got there and found out he'd see both of us at the same time vs. individual appts. He checked us both thoroughly and then gave us both a clean bill. Bobby had 3 spots on this face frozen but nothing major. I just have to return in one yr, since I had a pre-cancer cell removed earlier his year.
We had a few errands to run, which we did. Later in the afternoon, I played 9 holes of golf with Conni. Still not playing my normal but had fun. We'll get one more game in before we leave on 8th.
When I got home from golf, Bobby was down at Ron & Paula's. So I grabbed a drink and went down. Paula fed us a pasta dish for dinner. Sat around and talked, then we came home around 9.
June 23, 2013
Went to Breakfast with Ron & Paula at Fatty Patty's in Vancouver. Great food! Afterwards we went to the Vancouver Farmers Market. I bought cherries, she bought green beans and a pot with flowers.
Ron & Paula moved their coach over to our park, the park they were staying in (Jantzen) is booked. They arrived around 1:00. I invited them to a pork dinner, Paula brought fresh green beans....they were delicious! They left around 8:00 PM as Paula was getting her hair cut. The lady was coming to their motorhome!
June 22, 2013
We attended our friends Paul Meyer's memorial today. Very sad, I must say. Got to see many of our Tyee friends, that was great. Anne was holding up but looked tired....certainly understand that.
Later in the evening, we went to dinner at Mark & Conni's along with the Clousers. Reminisced about our times the six of us (Meyers and the four of us) used to spend on the river and playing golf.
June 21, 2010
Ran several errands, went to outlet mall in Gresham, went to
Costco and then came home. We goofed around
the coach until around 4 and then we went for a 3 mile hike around the
neighborhood. I picked some wild sweet
peas…they are beautiful on my table.
Cooked dinner….it was not very good….tried a new sauce…threw
it out. Thank goodness we have brownies
for dessert.
June 20, 2010
I had to go see by OBGYN, got a clean bill of health, only two more drs appts and we are done! YEAH!. Stopped by Michaels and picked up some
ribbon for New Years….it’s going to be a great party. Then I came home and Bobby went over to our
friends Mark’s house to see if he could cut down an insert for my silverware
drawer. Nope, will have to return it,
Later in the afternoon we went to Beaverton to see Rob &
Jan Hassell. Jan and I used to work at
Marsh together. I was great to catch up
as it’s been over a year since we last saw them. Had pizza and strawberry shortcake for dinner,
it was excellent. Jan maked the
shortcake and strawberries were so sweet.
June 19, 2010
Our friend Mike Guberman called, wanted to play golf. Got a tee time at 10:00 AM so went to his
daughters home in SE Portland and picked him up, as Diane needed the car to run
errands. They are leaving tomorrow to
head back to their home in Florida.
It was great to see Mike and Diane (although only got to see Diane for 10 min), as we have not seen them
in 2-3 years. We promised that we’ll
come visit either in 2014 or 2015, when we go see the east coast. Mike informed us that their daughter is pregnant
and expecting in October ….means they’ll probably return to Portland in
We had lunch with Mike at the Bucket Brigade and then
dropped him off at his daughters. We
stopped and got milk and then came home.
Did not do anything else
June 18, 2010
Bobby went had coffee with his car buddies while I
cleaned. Later that afternoon, I drove
to Beaverton for my insurance women’s groups meeting. I was the MC, as we installed our officers
for the 2013-2014 term. It was held at
Big Al’s Bowling facility, great place for this type of event. Once the meeting was finished, we
bowled. Or should I say, I attempted to
bowl. Did not break 100 but had lots of
June 17, 2013
We solved the missing keys....when I was at the Plaid Pantry I left them on the counter. Via their security camera we determined that the next person in line mistakenly picked them up. Now we have to hope he'll return them. Thanks to the helpful employees, this mystery is solved and I don't have to worry what I did with them! Hopefully he'll remember where he found them and return them.
Otherwise it was a uneventful day. I went for a 2.5 mile walk but nothing else.
June 16, 2013
At Smith Lake |
On the way home, stopped at the grocery store for a few
items, then came home.
Around 3:00 PM
I decided to go to Smith Lake to see if I could see the turtles. No, did not see them but did see a Heron. On the way home I stopped at the Plaid
Pantry to get an item and low and behold, lost my keys! Don’t ask me how, just lost them. Believe me, I took the truck apart, emptied
my purse three times and looked the store upside and down. Finally had to make the difficult call to
Bobby and told him my story. He laughed,
then agreed to walk to me with his keys.
Thank goodness I was only a mile from home. Tomorrow we’ll have to check on a new key,
sure that’s not going to be cheap!
June 15, 2013
Went to the Vancouver Farmers Market….bought some wonder
Rainier Cherries. Should have bought
more than we did, as they are gone!
Drove from there to the RV show at PIR, we were just
looking. Always fun to look.
We joined Paula & Ron for a game of golf at Heron Lakes
at 4:00 PM. It was a beautiful day
(80’s) but a little warm for walking, we were extremely tired by the time we
finished. I played a little bit better
than last time…a good thing. Bobby shot
great! He’s certainly getting used to
the long grass!!! I’m not!!!
June 14, 2013
I spent the day shopping with my sister Margie and Teresa (Mark's girlfriend). Had fun looking in almost every store....their must be 50. Afterwards I drove past our old family home in Hubbard....it was a disaster. Apparently the owners have lost interest in the yard or have lost the home...don't know which.
Traffic was a nightmare, so had to take the country roads back to Portland. This route took me about 90 minutes vs the 60 it normally takes on the freeway, but I got to see stuff I haven't seen for years.
Bobby played golf with Mark and Conni, played very well. Once I got home, he jumped in the truck and we went to see Danny (used to be Bobby's roommate..I used to date him, that's how I met Bobby). We then went to our old favorite Chinese place....it was not as good as I remember!
June 13, 2013
It's raining again (like cats and dogs), so Bobby went to have coffee with his car friends. I stayed home and caught up on house work, etc.
Decided to go for a walk, walked down Bridgeton Rd (near us) and saw Rich Brown. Rich used to work at the water bureau with Bobby. He's remodel his floating home. Huge project, more than I'd want to tackle!
Saw a baby Canadian Goose....it was so cute!
This is the week for company, Ron Van Vliet will be in town tonight, so we'll caught up with him and his friend Mat at Gustav's restaurant. They were in town purchasing a smoker for Mat. They'll head back to MT tomorrow.
June 12, 2013
Got up and said good bye to Rog, he has to work. We then to Kaiser as I had to have another Mammogram. Radiologist saw something he wanted a closer look at, found out everything is fine.
We then ran a few errands and came back home. It's raining again, so stayed in the rest of the day.
June 11, 2013
It's raining so we decided to go to Costco and get hamburger to make spaghetti sauce. While there we ran into Pat & Otis Waters (Pat used to belong to IPOP). They both look great!
Came home and Bobby fixed the water hose while I made the sauce. It smells wonderful, now if it only tastes that good! It does!!!!
Got a surprise phone call, my brother Roger will be coming to Portland. He arrived around 5:00 PM. He wanted to play 9 holes, so off to Broadmoor we went. Had a blast....beat him, sure he wanted to win, but what can I say!!!! Came home and fixed dinner (sloppy joes), then caught up on the family. He spent the night, it was so good to see him.
June 10, 2013
Went shopping....looking for stuff for New Years Eve party. They have great craft stores here in Portland. Found jewels to decorate my jeans, since theme will be denim and diamonds.
June 9, 2013
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Paula with the two of us |
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Bobby, Paula & Ron |
June 8, 2103
Drove over to the Fred Meyers in this area, looked at their
plants….think I need some color at my coach.
Did not find anything I wanted, will look next week.
Around 7:00 PM decided to go downtown and look at the Rose
Parade floats. They are so much smaller
than I remember from years past, but very beautiful. It was great walking around in downtown….lots
of people at the fair and on the streets.
June 7, 2013
Went and got gas at Costco, then drove to Columbia River RV
to see their new changes. Looks very
nice….we move there tomorrow.
We had drs appt, got there early (at 9:15) so that Bobby
could give blood before his appt.
However my dr was running an hour late (appt was for 10:20) do to an
emergency. Finally got done around
11:30, went to lunch as Bobby had been fasting.
Next stop was the Apple store, had several questions for
them. Very helpful….now if I can
remember what they told me.
Came home and Bobby downloaded a pedometer app onto his
phone, decided to try it out. Walked
over to Winco to purchase a dozen eggs and try it out. Works great.
His has more capabilities than my app does.
Tonight we are going to Elks to have dinner with Kenny &
Renate. Tomorrow we leave and move to
the Columbia River RV Park
June 6, 2013
Bobby is playing golf with two of his buddies (Ed &
Andy), so he dropped me off downtown.
I’m having lunch with my girlfriend Nancy….it was so great to see her. Spent her lunch hour talking about her
upcoming retirement in December, she sure seems excited!
After my lunch date, took the train and went to have my
mammogram. Glad that’s done! Came home and waited for Bobby to
arrive. Fixed dinner and stayed in for
the evening. This walking 5 miles sure
has made me tired. Not sure why….will
ask dr. tomorrow.
June 5, 2013
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Bobby, Danny & Kenny |
As it turned out, I played fairly well. Not my greatest round but beat the two friends! Had a great time and it was nice to see everyone.
We then went to Dinner at Mark & Conni's. We brought a Morton steak and Marked cooked. It was so good! Caught up and old times, jobs, etc. Conni and I are playing golf on Monday, that will be fun!
June 4, 2013
Had a few errands to run, afterwards we stopped by BC’s
place and had coffee with Bobby’s car buddies.
We then went to a farmer’s market near Lloyd Center, bought a basket of strawberries, they are delicious! Should have bought a flat!
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Geocashing |
We then drove out to our PO Box and picked up our mail. Did a little geocashing (the item was hidden inside the birdhouse) and then came
home. Cooked dinner and then I went for
a 2.5 mile walk. Got my steps in!
June 3, 2013
Bobby went to play golf with his buddies; I on the other
hand walked over to Mall 205 and got my hair cut. Had to wait about an hour, so walked thru the
mall…it’s similar to Havasu’s, not many stores.
Walked back to the coach and waited for Bobby to get
back. We went for a walk; I’m trying to
get 10,000 steps a day. So far, I’ve
done it.
June 2, 2013
We had breakfast, then I decided to make zucchini muffins....will use one of the zucchini's I bought yesterday. Got the mix done and then Bobby decided we should run to Tuesday Morning, as they had something he wanted to look at. Got there and they did not have it....just our luck. We did find a new bed spread.
Came home and finished making the muffins....they are so good!
Bobby's watching NASCAR and I'm working on the computer. Weather is overcast & cool...don't think we'll make 75...it's only 64 and it's 1:00 PM...telling you, I'm already tired of this cool weather....I need warmer weather!!!! Guess I've gotten used to Havasu and like the warmer weather, that's for sure!
Tomorrow is suppose to be 80, fingers are crossed.
June 1, 2013
Bobby left around 8 to go play golf....he's excited to see how well he does in real grass! I hopped on the train (it's about 1/2 block from us...only cost $2 for senior all day pass) and headed downtown to the Portland farmer's market. It was so good to see fresh vegetables and flowers....however, they certainly have gone up in price. A box of strawberries was $3 and lettuce $2.50 a head. I did buy 2 zucchini's for 50 cents each.

Around 4, we went to Beaverton to have dinner with our long time friends Steve & Shelly Bartlett. Had a great visit and dinner.
May 31, 2013
Started the day by having breakfast at Broadmoor, then we went to Dick's sporting goods and bought more bullets. This should be enough to last us for many years.
Then we drove down to Lloyd Center where I went window shopping and Bobby went to meet his buddies for coffee. We caught back up with each other after about 1 1/2 hrs and then went to Bridgeport (local shopping mall) where we went to the container store. Bought spacers so our glasses won't break while traveling.
Went to to PO to pick up our mail and then came home and had lunch. Spent the afternoon not doing much until about 3:00 PM, when we went into the club and played cribbage and shuffle board. I lost at cribbage but won at shuffle board. Played $2.00 in the video poker machines and then decided to come back to the coach.
Tonight we are having dinner with Ken & Renate at the lodge. It's fish night....YUM!
May 30, 2013
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Covered bridge near Woodland, WA |
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Grist Mill near Woodland |
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Rotary Screw Fish Trap |
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At the Grist Mill in Woodland, WA |
Came back to the coach and a long time friend left us a note that she'd stopped by. We decided we'd walk over to the Elks Lodge and see if she was still around, she was! Sat and talked with Carol for about an hour before we returned to the coach.
May 29, 2013
Started the day thinking we'd do laundry, it's not cheap to do laundry around here. Instead of doing the laundry we decided to go visit with our friends Arlan & Caroline....had a great visit. It's always great to see old friends.
We then ran around and did basically nothing. Did stop at Ikea and bought some napkins and a hot dog for lunch. They only cost 50 cents....big spenders aren't we!
Came home and I put a roast in the crock pot, it smells so good as I type this. Watched the movie called Broken City....it's good.
Walked over to Fred Meyer's and returned the movies....you can see this store out our front window. Tonight we'll just stay in and watch TV....tomorrow we meet with our financial advisers. This will be interesting.
May 28, 2013
Left Eugene at 7:30 and headed to Travel America where we'll dump the motorhome tanks. Got that done and noticed that the right rear tire was low, Bobby filled it with air. We'll have to watch to make sure they installed it correctly.
Drove to Clackamas so I could have my blood work done for my upcoming drs appts. Once that was finished, we went and had breakfast, as I was starving!!!!!
Decided that I would drive the truck in to Portland and Bobby would get fuel. I decided to drive past our old home in Mt Tabor area....does not look as good as when we owned it! LOL.
Arrived at the Gateway Elks around 12:30 and got set up. I went to the grocery store and now we'll spend the evening relaxing, as the weather is cool. It's suppose to clear up on Thursday....fingers are crossed, as I'm already tired of the rain. LOL.
Came home and watched the movie called Parker....very good. Kind of brutal but good.
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