Got up and drove towards Sandpoint. Along the way we found this cute little restaurant that we had
Lake Pend Oreille |
breakfast. It was excellent and very large. In fact we shared an omelet. We then drove to Sandpoint, ID took look around. Lake Pend Oreille is the largest lake in ID and believe me, it is! Even though we could see 3/4 of it, the map shows it's very large.
Lake Pend Oreille |
We then drove home. Later we went to the Elks Lodge and had dinner..Bobby had Chicken and I had fish. Neither was very good.
Came home and now we are doing laundry as we will head for MT in the morning.
August 9, 2013
Spokane Falls |
Davenport Hotel |
Came home and I went and got my hair cut later in the evening.
Around 10:30, a thunder & lighting storm started. Bobby went out and watched, while I crawled into bed. It lasted until 2-3, so I did not get much sleep. Tomorrow we are suppose to get another one....hope not!
August 8, 2013
Buck Knifes |
18 Hole at Coeur d'Alene |
We then drove to Coeur d'Alene and visited the pro shop. Golf is very expensive so decided not to play. We then drove to the Coeur d'Alene resort and walked around the board walk and hotel. They have lots of boats on this lake.
August 7, 2013
Left Grand Coulee around 8:30, I drove the coach today. Keeps me in practice. The coach was moving around some, so we stopped at Les Schwab in Spokane to have pressure checked. They adjusted and we continued on to the Elks Lodge in Spokane Valley. My brother came by around 11:30 to drop of the jumper cables we had left at his house and had lunch with us.
Later in the afternoon, we drove into Spokane to get some brochures, etc. We the went to Costco and picked up milk and few other items. Quiet day for us!
August 6, 21013
Dry Falls |
Headed back to the coach, as we are heading to Grand Coulee Dam. We traveled hwy 2, then hwy 155 to Electric City. Just short of Coulee City (on hwy 2), we stopped at Dry Falls State Park. A lady on the boat yesterday told us about this park. It was a water fall many years ago that was 4 times the size of Niagara Falls. Today it's a dry, but is still very impressive. If you every get to this area, this is a MUST stop.
Left this park and headed onto Electric City, which is approx 30 miles. We arrived at Grand Coulee RV park around 12:30. Tonight we'll see the light show and later in the day we'll take the dam tour.
August 5, 2013
Got up early and headed to Chelan so we could catch the boat ride at 8:30. We arrived around 8:00 AM, made sure we had plenty of time to spare. This is our first time to Chelan and thought the boat ride would be a great way to see the 55 mile long lake. We took the express boat to Stehekin (last stop) which took us 2 1/2 hrs.
On the way up the lake, we stopped at Fields Point Landing and picked up passengers. Next stop was our destination of Stehekin. Upon arriving at Stehekin, we looked around the property and got my NPS book stamped, as we are in the North Cascades NP. We then decided to take a bus ride to the bakery (2 miles away). Once we arrived at the bakery, we of course had to buy lunch....Bobby had a pecan roll and I had a blackberry scone. Healthy don't you think..LOL.
We then walked back to the lodge, along the way you have many opportunities to take photos of the lake, etc. We also stopped at the local farmers market, bought a pound of apricots.
Once we arrived back at the lodge, we took more pics, looked through the gift store and took in the serenity of this location. You have no cell service, so we just enjoyed the beauty of the mountains, water, etc.
At 2:00 PM we caught the slow boat back to Chelan, it took 4 hours. We should have brought cards, a book, something to help pass the time, but we didn't. I took lots of pics. The coolness of the water made the heat bearable, it's in the 90's.
We arrived back at the dock around 6:00 and had about a 45 min drive back to Wenatchee.
August 4, 2013
After breakfast we headed to the Enzian Inn to listen to the Alpine Horn player. He stands on the edge of the balcony and plays two songs.
We then drove to Cashmere, home of Aplets & Cotlets. The factory was closed but the retail store was open. You can view the factory from the retail store and also watch a video, which we did. It's amazing how much candy this small factory produces. They also gave us samples, which we delicious. I bought three boxed of their variety mix.
Then we headed to the Eagles lodge in Wenatchee. It's Sunday and it's closed, we are the only ones here. We'll spend two or three night here....we'll visit Chelan from here in next day or two.
It's hot...heading to 90's so we decided we needed to wash the coach and truck. They are filthy. Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the truck, coach, etc.
After dinner, it start to thunder and lighting. You would not believe the size of the rain drops...tell me why I dried the coach and truck? LOL
August 3, 2013
Pulled out around 8:30 and head towards hwy 2, which will lead us to Leavenworth. It's a two lane hwy up and over Stevens Pass. No snow but the scenery was beautiful. We stopped about 8 miles short of Leavenworth at the Alps store and bought a jar of Walla Walla mustard. My brother had told us of this place, he's correct, they have over 100 varieties of hot sauce. NO, we did not buy any.
Pulled into Leavenworth around 11:30, parked at a visitors lot east side of town, they allowed overnight parking, so we'll dry camp. Got the coach settled and then headed for town. It's about 2 blocks from the coach. Walked around and went thru several shops, interesting but did not see anything I could not live without! We then went to the waterfront park. Walked thru the park, which is approx 1 mile long and then headed back to the coach. Had lunch and watched TV for a while. We are not used to the 80's and we are worn

However I regained my energy and we headed to the fish hatchery. This one is much better than the one in Newhalem. They are getting ready to process the eggs on the 20th & 27th. Each female will give them between two and six thousand eggs. They have over a million fry waiting to be released later this year. One of the most fascinating things we learned is that they kill both the males & females and then bury them. Do to the chemicals they treat them with, they don't want them in the food chain. Apparently the eggs are not affected by the chemicals....we asked!

I did a little geocashing around 5 and then fixed dinner. Around 7 we headed back into town, wanted to see the lights but we did not wait around long enough. Our feet were tired at about 8:30, so head back to the coach.
August 2, 2013
Woke up to we decided to skip breakfast and head to Angel of Winds casino. Took us about 1 1/2 hours to drive back. We were ahead of my brother, so we filled the coach with diesel at the casino....they give you 7 cents off per gallon. Great deal in this area.
Rog finally arrived and we went to the casino for lunch. We all had the buffet, with our players card, it was $8.50 for the adults and 5.09 for the kids. Had salmon, Chinese food, chicken, everything you can imagine. Excellent buffet.
We then leveled the coach and loaded our laundry into the truck. We'll do it at my brothers house while visiting with them.
Arrived at my brother place around 2, helped them unload the trailer and boat. While unloading the trailer, a doe and her fawn walked won't believe how many deer we have seen this trip! We then played games, etc. until around 8:00, then we head back to the coach. Leave tomorrow for Leavenworth.
August 1, 2013
Today is our niece's Lita birthday, so we started day by having a scavenger hunt for her to find her presents. For a nine year old, she was nervous that we were not going to give
her any presents...but we did. Her grandparents gave her a guitar.
That was cool.
After breakfast we drove to the fish
hatchery in Marblemount. Not much to see as everything is behind fences
and public can't get near enough to see. Very disappointing.
Then we decided to drive another 15 miles up hwy 20 to North Cascades National Park Visitor Center. They had a nice display and movie to view. Afterwards we drove about 6 miles to Newhalem. Had lunch at the deli and then walked to the powerhouse. Very interesting. There was also a of the most beautiful I've seen since Niagara Falls!
Next stop was a local blue berry farm. We picked about 5 lbs. It's $2.00 less a lb if you pick your own, plus it was so much fun. And of course we had to sample the Also we had ice
cream cones....had to spoil our niece.
Came home and Winnie fixed tacos, afterwards the kids went to their trailer to watch a movie while we watched wachted Dark Zero Thirty at hours. Very interesting movie. At intermission....we had birthday cake. I made a chocolate on for Lita....excellent!
July 31, 2013
Got up at 4:00 AM...Rog thought we need to get up with the chickens to go fishing. We drove about an
hour to get to Lake Baker. It's a beautiful lake that's feed by Mt Baker. We had a great view of this majestic mt while on the lake.
Did not catch a sockeye so went home empty handed. When we got back to camp, Winnie was back from picking up their other granddaughter Shelby (she's 17). Lita had stayed home with Uncle Bobby and Tempe had gone with Winnie. We ate some lunch and then played the golf game. Afterwards Rog took a nap while I got dinner ready....spagetti. Ate dinner and then the adults watched Life of Pi. Bobby and I had seen it but it's an excellent movie. Rog and Winnie enjoyed it to. The girls played games and listened to music at their trailer.
July 30, 2013
Breakfast of egg & sausage muffins. Then more golf, bike riding, long walk, more golf, etc. Around 3 Rog and I drove into Concrete to get me fishing license....going to Lake Baker to catch a salmon tomorrow.
Winnie fixed chicken for dinner. Played more golf after dinner and then we called it a evening, as Rog and I are leaving at 4:30 to go fishing...why so early? Rog thinks the fish can tell time and we have to be the first ones on the lake. Can you tell, I'm not exactly excited about leave before daylight!
July 29, 2013
Left Jenni's around 8:30 and head to Howard Miller Steelhead park in Rockport, WA. We'll spend the next 5 days here with my brother and his family. It's a beautiful little park right on the Skagit river . Got set up and then had lunch....Bobby favorite...hotdogs. We then played golf....not the kind we are used's a bucket game played with softballs....a blast.
Went for a walk in the afternoon and then fixed dinner. Had shrimp we did not use at Jenni's so fixed shrimp stir fry for everyone. Excellent.
After dinner, Rog, Lita and I drove up river to look a the river. Rog want to see how it's changed. Got back around 9, sat around the fire for an hour or so, then called it a night
July 28, 2013
Day two of the polo matches! Breakfast is a potluck affair of eggs, etc. We ate like a king!
Matches started around 9, so everyone headed out to watch. Through out the day, we play games, etc. during the breaks, just like yesterday. Around 11, we take our tye dye out and revel what we've created....omg...they are so cute! It's amazing the designs that come out. Everyone is so excited about their creations.....even my Bobby wants to participate for sure next time. Yes, we had 3 guys creating sweatshirt, tee shirts, etc.
More polo and lunch....left overs!
By the time the matches are over, we are exhausted once again....these kids wear me out! Matches are over around 5, so we start to clean up. By the time we finish, it's after 7, Naomi, Jenni friend fixes breakfast burritos for dinner....we were starving.
Went to the coach around 9, crashed.
July 27, 2013
It's around 7 and Rog, Tempie, Lita and I go to retrieve the crab pots. When we get to the dock, the motor won't start. Back on the trailer and back to the barn to charge the motor....apparently the depth sounder got left on.
We are excited as polo starts at 9:00. Jenni & Dustin's friends started arriving around 9:00, just in time for breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage and fruit. After breakfast, with a charged motor, Rog & Bob go back to get the crab pots. They got 9 crabs.
Next we went to the courtyard to start an active day of polo. This is our first time and so the ref comes over and gives us an explanation of the rules. Jenni said this is unusual and they usually don't interact with the peanut gallery! Thank goodness, as we knew nothing.
The goal post were about 30 yards in front of us, so we had excellent seats. They play 4 chuckers (like an inning), with 5- 10 min breaks in between. The ponies need to rest....which is true.
Around noon, Jenni cooked oysters, the crab and we all brought salads. What a feast.
Next came dinner, Jenni's friend Carl fixed a seafood boil....shrimp, crawdads, potatoes, corn, etc. One was spicy and the other not (kids). It was excellent!
More polo and around 7, Jenni starts her tye dying event. Everyone that wanted to participate brought an item (I brought 3 scarves and 3 baby outfits). Tempie, Lita. Rog and I colored these items along with 4 tee shirts that Jenni gave us. I think Rog and I had more fun than the girls did. Yes, we'll certainly do this again. Look out my Havasu friends, a new class for us! Once we finished coloring, we then placed in bags to let sit for 12-18 hours.
You won't believe what came next....a marshmallow fight! She lined the kids up at one end of the yard and adults at the other. The empty 7 bags of marshmallows in the middle and told the kids to start. They ran to the marshmallows and started throwing them at us adults. We then ran to the marshmallows and started throwing them at the kids. The whole event lasted about 10 minutes, when Jenni called stopped. Then we cleaned up the yard and placed the marshmallows in a bag to throw away.
Last thing, they had a smores party for the kids. By this time, we are exhausted and go to the's 10:30. Everyone is spending the night in tents except for my brother and us. Too old to sleep on the ground!
July 26, 2013
We arrived at our niece Jenni's on Friday about noon. Jenni and the girls were waiting to show us the farm and where we'd spend the next three days. Its been several years since we've been to their place. I must say the home is beautiful. Juniper and Teagan were the perfect little hostess. They couldn't wait to take me to the barn and show me their animals.
Once we got the coach parked, Jenni fixed lunch and we ate outside in their courtyard. It over looks the polo field...we'll have a great view for match. We then started setting up for tomorrow polo event...Jenni is expecting about 35 to view the matches.
My brother arrived around 6:00 and we decided to put the crab pots in the bay. Bobby, Rog and I took the boat, which I towed over to Jenni's earlier and took the pots out and set them. We'll leave them in all night in hopes of getting our limit of 15.
Came back to the house and Jenni had pizza waiting for us. We were starving!!! Afterwards we sat around and caught up on each others lives.
July 23 - 25, 2013
Today will be a short drive….about 60 miles. We drove to Angel of Winds casino in
Arlington, WA….we’ll spend the next three nights here. This is where my brother Roger and his
family live, so we’ll spend the next three days visiting with them.
Today we head to Whidbey Island so we got around 7:00 and
got the coach ready. We headed to the
ferry landing around 8:20 as we hope to board at 9:30. We had made a reservation earlier in the
week. When we arrived, we checked in (I
was not hooked to motorhome as it’s cheaper to be separated). It cost us $51.90 for the coach and $12.70
for the truck to ride the ferry. Much
cheaper than driving it back down the sound and back up to Arlington, WA…..not
to mention the time and wear & tear on the coach.
Our next stop was downtown Coupeville…it’s a very tiny town
with many shops to explore. The tide
was extremely low so we had a view of thousands of starfish. Something we had never seen. Look at the picture.
We then headed to Oak Harbor, found the Elks lodge and
parked the coach. Got set up and then
drove out to Deception Pass. It was a
little windy but otherwise had a beautiful afternoon watching the boats pass
underneath the bridge. We then drove
around the area and looked at the sound, etc.
Honestly not much to see in the town of Oak Harbor.
July 21, 2013
It was extremely fogging when we got up so I wanted to go to the beach and take a few pictures. Old Townsend State Park is about 1 mile away, so went there. We could barely see the water but there were a few sails boats anchored in the sound and I took pictures.
Came back to the coach and went to Elks lodge for their breakfast, very nice lodge. We then headed to Fort Worden State Park. First stop was the lighthouse, it's not open to the public but got some good pics in the fog. There were many boats out in the sound trying to catch a salmon, did not see any being caught but did see one at the dock later in morning. He thought it was about a 20 lb one. Would make a lovely dinner for someone!
While walking from the lighthouse to the science center, we saw a sailboat that was listing to one side due to the minus tide. Sure the owner was not happy but thankfully the tide would be coming back up!
After looking around the park, we came back to coach for lunch. Made sandwiches and then watched some of the British Open golf match.
Around 3:00 we headed out to Fort Flagler State Park. I wanted to see their lighthouse....come to find out, it more of a light vs. lighthouse. The drive out and back was beautiful so did not mind it.
Got home around 5:00, had dinner and we'll watch TV. Tomorrow we take the ferry to Whidbey Island and will stay in Oak Harbor.
July 20, 2013
Stehekin, WA |
Farmers Market |
We then walked back to the lodge, along the way you have many opportunities to take photos of the lake, etc. We also stopped at the local farmers market, bought a pound of apricots.
Relaxing at the Lodge |
On the boat going home |
We arrived back at the dock around 6:00 and had about a 45 min drive back to Wenatchee.
August 4, 2013
After breakfast we headed to the Enzian Inn to listen to the Alpine Horn player. He stands on the edge of the balcony and plays two songs.
We then drove to Cashmere, home of Aplets & Cotlets. The factory was closed but the retail store was open. You can view the factory from the retail store and also watch a video, which we did. It's amazing how much candy this small factory produces. They also gave us samples, which we delicious. I bought three boxed of their variety mix.
It's hot...heading to 90's so we decided we needed to wash the coach and truck. They are filthy. Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the truck, coach, etc.
After dinner, it start to thunder and lighting. You would not believe the size of the rain drops...tell me why I dried the coach and truck? LOL
August 3, 2013
Pulled into Leavenworth around 11:30, parked at a visitors lot east side of town, they allowed overnight parking, so we'll dry camp. Got the coach settled and then headed for town. It's about 2 blocks from the coach. Walked around and went thru several shops, interesting but did not see anything I could not live without! We then went to the waterfront park. Walked thru the park, which is approx 1 mile long and then headed back to the coach. Had lunch and watched TV for a while. We are not used to the 80's and we are worn
However I regained my energy and we headed to the fish hatchery. This one is much better than the one in Newhalem. They are getting ready to process the eggs on the 20th & 27th. Each female will give them between two and six thousand eggs. They have over a million fry waiting to be released later this year. One of the most fascinating things we learned is that they kill both the males & females and then bury them. Do to the chemicals they treat them with, they don't want them in the food chain. Apparently the eggs are not affected by the chemicals....we asked!
I did a little geocashing around 5 and then fixed dinner. Around 7 we headed back into town, wanted to see the lights but we did not wait around long enough. Our feet were tired at about 8:30, so head back to the coach.
August 2, 2013
Woke up to we decided to skip breakfast and head to Angel of Winds casino. Took us about 1 1/2 hours to drive back. We were ahead of my brother, so we filled the coach with diesel at the casino....they give you 7 cents off per gallon. Great deal in this area.
Rog finally arrived and we went to the casino for lunch. We all had the buffet, with our players card, it was $8.50 for the adults and 5.09 for the kids. Had salmon, Chinese food, chicken, everything you can imagine. Excellent buffet.
We then leveled the coach and loaded our laundry into the truck. We'll do it at my brothers house while visiting with them.
Arrived at my brother place around 2, helped them unload the trailer and boat. While unloading the trailer, a doe and her fawn walked won't believe how many deer we have seen this trip! We then played games, etc. until around 8:00, then we head back to the coach. Leave tomorrow for Leavenworth.
August 1, 2013
in Newhalem, WA |
Lita turns 9 |
Falls at Newhalem, WA |
Powerhouse |
Then we decided to drive another 15 miles up hwy 20 to North Cascades National Park Visitor Center. They had a nice display and movie to view. Afterwards we drove about 6 miles to Newhalem. Had lunch at the deli and then walked to the powerhouse. Very interesting. There was also a of the most beautiful I've seen since Niagara Falls!
At the falls...Jo, Shelby, Tempe & Lita |
Picking Blue Berries |
Came home and Winnie fixed tacos, afterwards the kids went to their trailer to watch a movie while we watched wachted Dark Zero Thirty at hours. Very interesting movie. At intermission....we had birthday cake. I made a chocolate on for Lita....excellent!
July 31, 2013
Rog with Mt Baker in back ground |
hour to get to Lake Baker. It's a beautiful lake that's feed by Mt Baker. We had a great view of this majestic mt while on the lake.
Lake Baker with Mt Baker in background |
July 30, 2013
Breakfast of egg & sausage muffins. Then more golf, bike riding, long walk, more golf, etc. Around 3 Rog and I drove into Concrete to get me fishing license....going to Lake Baker to catch a salmon tomorrow.
Winnie fixed chicken for dinner. Played more golf after dinner and then we called it a evening, as Rog and I are leaving at 4:30 to go fishing...why so early? Rog thinks the fish can tell time and we have to be the first ones on the lake. Can you tell, I'm not exactly excited about leave before daylight!
July 29, 2013
Left Jenni's around 8:30 and head to Howard Miller Steelhead park in Rockport, WA. We'll spend the next 5 days here with my brother and his family. It's a beautiful little park right on the Skagit river . Got set up and then had lunch....Bobby favorite...hotdogs. We then played golf....not the kind we are used's a bucket game played with softballs....a blast.
Went for a walk in the afternoon and then fixed dinner. Had shrimp we did not use at Jenni's so fixed shrimp stir fry for everyone. Excellent.
After dinner, Rog, Lita and I drove up river to look a the river. Rog want to see how it's changed. Got back around 9, sat around the fire for an hour or so, then called it a night
July 28, 2013
Day two of the polo matches! Breakfast is a potluck affair of eggs, etc. We ate like a king!
Jo, Lita, Rog & Tempe show off their Tye Dyed Shirts |
Polo match |
More polo and lunch....left overs!
By the time the matches are over, we are exhausted once again....these kids wear me out! Matches are over around 5, so we start to clean up. By the time we finish, it's after 7, Naomi, Jenni friend fixes breakfast burritos for dinner....we were starving.
Went to the coach around 9, crashed.
July 27, 2013
It's around 7 and Rog, Tempie, Lita and I go to retrieve the crab pots. When we get to the dock, the motor won't start. Back on the trailer and back to the barn to charge the motor....apparently the depth sounder got left on.
We are excited as polo starts at 9:00. Jenni & Dustin's friends started arriving around 9:00, just in time for breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage and fruit. After breakfast, with a charged motor, Rog & Bob go back to get the crab pots. They got 9 crabs.
Polo match |
Next we went to the courtyard to start an active day of polo. This is our first time and so the ref comes over and gives us an explanation of the rules. Jenni said this is unusual and they usually don't interact with the peanut gallery! Thank goodness, as we knew nothing.
The goal post were about 30 yards in front of us, so we had excellent seats. They play 4 chuckers (like an inning), with 5- 10 min breaks in between. The ponies need to rest....which is true.
tye dying shirts (Tempe & Lita) |
Next came dinner, Jenni's friend Carl fixed a seafood boil....shrimp, crawdads, potatoes, corn, etc. One was spicy and the other not (kids). It was excellent!
More polo and around 7, Jenni starts her tye dying event. Everyone that wanted to participate brought an item (I brought 3 scarves and 3 baby outfits). Tempie, Lita. Rog and I colored these items along with 4 tee shirts that Jenni gave us. I think Rog and I had more fun than the girls did. Yes, we'll certainly do this again. Look out my Havasu friends, a new class for us! Once we finished coloring, we then placed in bags to let sit for 12-18 hours.
You won't believe what came next....a marshmallow fight! She lined the kids up at one end of the yard and adults at the other. The empty 7 bags of marshmallows in the middle and told the kids to start. They ran to the marshmallows and started throwing them at us adults. We then ran to the marshmallows and started throwing them at the kids. The whole event lasted about 10 minutes, when Jenni called stopped. Then we cleaned up the yard and placed the marshmallows in a bag to throw away.
Last thing, they had a smores party for the kids. By this time, we are exhausted and go to the's 10:30. Everyone is spending the night in tents except for my brother and us. Too old to sleep on the ground!
July 26, 2013
We arrived at our niece Jenni's on Friday about noon. Jenni and the girls were waiting to show us the farm and where we'd spend the next three days. Its been several years since we've been to their place. I must say the home is beautiful. Juniper and Teagan were the perfect little hostess. They couldn't wait to take me to the barn and show me their animals.
Once we got the coach parked, Jenni fixed lunch and we ate outside in their courtyard. It over looks the polo field...we'll have a great view for match. We then started setting up for tomorrow polo event...Jenni is expecting about 35 to view the matches.
My brother arrived around 6:00 and we decided to put the crab pots in the bay. Bobby, Rog and I took the boat, which I towed over to Jenni's earlier and took the pots out and set them. We'll leave them in all night in hopes of getting our limit of 15.
Came back to the house and Jenni had pizza waiting for us. We were starving!!! Afterwards we sat around and caught up on each others lives.
July 23 - 25, 2013
Tempist, Lexie, Shelby & Lita |
Every night so far we go swimming at the river once my
brother gets off work. Their home is
right on the river, so it’s just a hop & skip away. Great fun jumping off the rock into the
water, makes us act like kids….oops, I am a kid….lol. We had all three of our nieces...Tempist, Lita & Shelby plus my brother Roger went to the river. Bob & Winnie stayed at the house.
July 22, 2013
The trip was extremely foggy so we didn’t see much but it
was a smooth sailing. Got off at
Coupeville and found a place to park the coach in town and then we drove back
to Fort Casey to look at the sites.
This fort has been well maintained and has a great view of the
sound. They also have a lighthouse
which we were able to climb up to the light.
View from Deception Pass |
Fort Casey |
July 21, 2013
Fort Worden Lighthouse |
Low tide at Fort Worden |
Fort Flagler Lighthouse |
After looking around the park, we came back to coach for lunch. Made sandwiches and then watched some of the British Open golf match.
View from Ft Flagler lighthouse |
Got home around 5:00, had dinner and we'll watch TV. Tomorrow we take the ferry to Whidbey Island and will stay in Oak Harbor.
July 20, 2013
10 month old German Shorthair...we used to have one |
Got up and went into town and ate breakfast at a local cafe. Then we drove around and looked at some of
the shops. Got back to the coach around
10:00 and then packed it up and headed to Port Townsend. We arrived at the Elks lodge around 11:30,
not a long trip, just over 30 miles.
Downtown Port Townsend waterfront |
Once we were settled in, drove to town to make reservations
to take the ferry. We found out it’s
booked for the weekend, so we’ll leave Monday at 9:30. This will also give us time to explore the
We spent the afternoon going to the farmers market (we saw this 10 month old puppy....told Bobby I wanted it for you think he'll get it for me?) and
then walking around the downtown area. This
is a quaint little town with unique shops.
Arrived back at the coach around
4:00, an early day for us….lol.
Spent the evening catching up on photos, blog, etc. Tomorrow we’ll be busy exploring Fort Worden.
July 19, 2013
School house in Sequim - 1893 |
John Wayne Marina - Sequim |
We then took a drive to look around town. Drove to the infamous Dungeness spit....took pics of the
Light house - 11 miles away |
Sequim is famous for their lavender farms and this weekend is their annual festival. We stopped a one of the fields and took pictures. Lavender and I don't like each other but love to look at the fields. We then went into main street to walk around the street fair. It's larger than we thought. Lots of stuff but nothing we needed.
Bald eagles drinking water |
Lavender |
Got back around 3:00 and Bobby took the truck to the Chev dealer in Port Angeles to fix our windshield wiper. It's covered under cost $52 for this to be replaced...apparently to fix the washer you have to replace the entire wiper arm.
He's now home and we'll drive to the spit later to see the sunset.
July 18, 2013
Joyce, WA |
Sekiu, WA |
Cape Flattery lighthouse |
Cape Flattery |
Next stop was Sekiu, a small fishing town famous for the halibut. We then continued onto Neah Bay and out to Cape Flattery. We took the 1 mile trip out to the point, where you have to opportunity to see the lighthouse on the island in front of you. It's closed to the bad, as I would loved to have see it. There's not much to see in Neah Bay other than the museum, which we skipped. It was getting late and we had an 93 mile back to Port Angeles.
Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP |
Snow in Olympic NP |
Got back to coach around 6:00 I said, we were very busy getting as much in as possible on our last day in Port Angeles.
July 17, 2013
Salt Creek Rec Area |
Art work in Port Angeles |
Finally got to Port Angeles around 11:30....parked at the Walmart. Very quiet and close to everthing we want to see.
Drove into town and looked around the farmers market....did not purchase anything as did not know how long we'd be out and about. Next stop, the water front. Looked around the galleries and pier then drove out to the Coast Guard area, so we could see Victoria. It's cloudy so we did not have the best view, but the sound was beautiful.
Marymere Falls |
Our next stop was Lake Cresent. It magnificent with a turquoise color....hope my pictures show the color as it's amazing. Did not get the best pics as the wind is blowing, but still they are beautiful. We saw both resorts....the one off 101 is our favorite....see pic
Lake Crescent is about 25 miles west of Port Angeles, should you ever want to go. Tomorrow we are thinking about going to Neah Bay. Will let you know.
July 16, 2013
Carl held is annual golf tournment today and Bobby participated. Did ok but did not place in the money. After the tournament, they had a hamburger feed, which I helped cooked the burgers.
Came home around 5:00 PM and got ready to head out in the morning. We'll head to Port Angeles.
July 15, 2013
Laundry day....thank goodness, Bobby did it for me. Bettie allowed us to use their washer & dryer....thank you very much. All we had to do was haul it across the street to their place. While Bobby was doing that, I cleaned the windows of the coach...both inside and out. Boy did they need it. Then Bobby washed the windshield of the coach....I can't reach it. Next he washed the truck.
I went into town, wanted to purchase something for Fred & Trulee to thank them for allowing us to stay on their property. I got them something for their garden. While I was gone, Bobby went to help Carl set up for tomorrow's golf tournament.
Around 4:00 PM we went to golf course, we played in the couples 9 hole tournament. Had a great time.
Came home around 7:00 PM and we took all the fixing for a spaghetti dinner over to Carl & Betties. It was so good...think everyone was
We are now home and will watch TV for an hour or so, then head to bed.
July 14, 2013
Started out by driving towards Olympic National Park - Staircase. While on our way, Carl & Betty showed us several view of Lake Cushman....this is about a 10 mile long lake. It's used for boating, etc. Great fishing I told.
Upon leaving the park, we stopped by Bill Scates home (he's a friend of Carl's). It certainly is a small world as he used to be in the insurance industry and sold his company to Fred S James. It was before I joined them in 1998 but he knew several of the people that I worked with. Great to talk about the forest products industry.
Head home but had to stop in Hoodsport of ice cream. I had Kentucky pie (chocolate malt with carmel and oreo cookies....yummy!) Bobby had vanilla, Carl and Betty had rocky road.
Got back around 5:00....we'll watch tv for the remainder of the evening.
July 13, 2013
Bob & Betty |
Deb, Randy, Bob, Judy & Bobby |
Randy and Debbie are visiting them for 4 days. It was great to see the four of them. I must say Bob & Judy have a spectacular home and the view is incredible! You get a wonderful view of the sound from their place. Don't think I'd ever leave if I had this house!
Per usual, Judy made a wonderful crab dip for us....had fresh dungeness crab in it....delish!
Came home and went and visited with Bettie & Carl for a while. Now we are home watching TV.
July 12, 2013
Leena Lake |
Going to Leena Lake (Linda, Jo & Betty) |
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KoKanee Lake |
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Carl, Bettie & Bobby |
When he got home (around 5:00 PM), we went to El Puerto De Angeles Mexican Restaurant in Hoodsport for dinner with Gary & Bettie. Sat out side on the deck, beautiful evening for view the sound.
On the way home we went by Lake KoKanee....beautiful. I could certainly live around here!
July 11, 2013
Hoods Canal near Union, WA |
Dalby Waterwheel |
Jellyfish |
Stopped at Walmart in Sheldon, WA and picked up milk, bread, etc. and then came home. Will not do much this evening, might go over to Bettie & Carls and visit later.
July 10, 2013
I played with Betty in the Lake Cushman women's leaque and Bobby played with Carl Klliese and Gary Michaelis, our friends from Havasu. I played well and had a great time with my three partners, Bettie, Peggy and Charlotte. Afterwards, I came home and goofed around the coach. Max is not doing well, seems to be getting weaker and weaker, so worried about him.
Lake Cushman |
Lake standstill |
We did take the drive to Lake Cushman....beautiful drive. We could certainly spend our summers fact we've looked for a far have not found one in our price range!
July 9, 2013
Got up and watched a movie we had rented called "the call". We then left the Elks and then head to Hoodsport. We arrived around noon, got settled in at Betty's sister's place (across the street from them) and then went to visit with them for a while. The have a beautiful home located on the 5th tee box of Lake Cushman Golf Course.
Later in the afternoon, Carl took us to play 9 holes, so I'd know the course for tomorrow's game. Very helpful, as this course has lots of trees and houses.
After golf, Bettie fixed a steak dinner....wonderful! We visited for a while, then came home to watch TV.
July 8, 2013
Two of the interesting facts we learned, one there are 42 steps leading to the doors, represents that Washington is the 42nd state of the union, the other is that the worlds largest collection of Tiffany lights is located here. All the chandeliers, lights and lamps were mfg by Tiffany. They say the main chandelier can hold a VW bug inside. It definitely did not look that big!
Next stop was the waterfront....not much to see so we continued on to Tumwater Falls Park. Walked the trail so we could see all three falls.....the lower fall is the most impressive. You get a glimpse of the old Olympia Brewery which closed in 2003. They are trying to sell it but no takers as of today.
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