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Donna, Molly, Candy, Tim, Dolly Bobby & Terry in back |

Next we went to Ron & Paula's, where they could dinner for 9 of us. Patty and Paul Tochtrop are here from Havasu for a week, so we had a great time catching up on all the happenings in Havasu. Also they had Paul's brother and sister-n-law (Mike & Katherine) plus Pigeon (Ron's neighbor) was there. We arrived around 4, so immediately went for a float in the river. Love floating with the girls, the guys stayed and talked.
Got home around 9, did a few more things around the coach. Leaving by 7 AM.
August 15, 2015
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Jo & Cindy (Cath's sister) |

Next we drove around downtown to see all the changes. Portland is growing in leaps and bounds.
Under the Burnside bridge they have the Saturday Market, where vendors try to sell you there wares.
It's changes since we were there 2 yrs ago, but still has basically same vendors. We did stop and visit with Cindy (my girlfriends Cathy sister).
Came home and made muffins, bread and a cake for tomorrow's gathering.
August 14, 2015
Did do anything today!!!! Surprised aren't you!!!
August 13, 2015
Bobby went to the Drs, got released, but we've decided to stay until Monday, as we want to attend the Dawson family (Bobby's cousins) reunion and have dinner with Ron & Paula.

Later we met the gang (Paula, Ron, Patty, Paul, Mike & Katherine) for a concert at Ester Shore Park in downtown Vancouver. Music was not that great, so Bobby and I left around 7 and went and grabbed dinner on the way home.
August 12, 2015
Went to see the new Mission Impossible Movie. It was good and filled with action.
August 11, 2015
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This is why the call it Hernon Lakes |
He picked me up at around 11, then we headed into Portland to run a few errands. Got home around 1, we'll spend the rest of the day catching up on mail, etc.
We've decided to leave Vancouver on Thursday if Dr. releases him. Thought about spending the weekend, but we're anxious to move on. This means I have to buy some stuff ASAP, as time is running out...lol.
August 10, 2015
I had to get a blood test, so we left around 7:30. Once finished, headed to the Stardust, here in Vancouver for breakfast.
We are getting close to leaving this area, so we went to say goodbye to John & Judy Hazen. Had a great visit and hopefully we'll see them again in September in Surprise, where they own a condo.
Took the road around Lacamus lake on our way back home. Beautiful drive through the countryside. Decided to stop at Costco to look at sunglasses, did find any Bobby liked.
Got home around noon, I worked on the computer for a few hrs and then just goofed off around the coach.
August 9,2015
Around 9, the Elks car show started, so we walked over to look at some of the cars. They had a nice selection of cars show up.
I then worked on scanning pics and putting them into my computer and cleaning up our old albums. Trying to save space and scanning is the best option for us.
Around 4, we left to head to Mark & Conni's where we had dinner with them and the Clousers. It's so nice to see friends!!!
August 8,2015
Took a boat ride with Ron and Paula to dow
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Now this is a house I could live in! |
On the way home, Ron took us up the Hayden Island channel, went about 1/2 way. Great to see all the boat houses. Got back to their place around 7, had a few snacks and then came home around 8:30.
August 7, 2015
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Molly, Bobby & Terry |
Left around 4:45, got home around 5:15. Ron and Paula came over and we went to the Elks for dinner. Had stroganoff, it was just ok. Went to bar afterwards and listened to the music. Great times with great friends.
August 6, 2015
Went to the driving range, Bobby is hitting the ball fairly well. Ran a few errands and then spent the remainder of the day working on things around the coach.
August 5, 2015
Multnomah Falls |
It's a great day for a hike, so we head to Multnomah Falls. Arrive around 10, weather is perfect, around 75 degrees. Not much water coming over the falls, but it's still beautiful. It's the 2nd highest continuous flowing waterfall in the nation at 620'. We hike to the bridge and then I decide we should hike to the upper falls.
History on Multnomah Falls |
It's a steep trail of about 1.25 miles, of which you climb in elevation of 800', which normally is not much to me. However today, I got over heated about 3/4 of the way there and had to stop. Stupid me, did not bring any water, snacks, etc. Thankfully another hiker gave me water and then I felt fine, however, Bobby was nervous and would not let me continue up to the top. Got back to the car, drank lots of water and felt fine.
Bonneville Dam |
Drove to Cascade Locks (about 15 miles away) and had lunch at the East Wind drive-in. It was good. Cascade Locks hasn't changed other than that Charburger (famous restaurant) is not the Portside. We did not go in.
Hiking to upper falls |
Drove across the Bridge of the Gods to get to the Washington side of the Columbia and took hwy 14 back to coach. Stopping at Bonneville Dam and Pendleton Factory along the way.
Enjoyed the day, but very tired. Thought I was in good shape, obviously not!!!
August 4, 2015
Went and got my new glasses, need them for distance. Then headed to the driving range, where we hit a bucket of balls.
Around 2, left to go see Danny at Broadmoor, where he was working. Visited with him for about an hr, then headed to Scappoose, where we had dinner with Dave & Nancy Parish. Kathy and Bob Burkhartsmeirer also joined us. Had a wonderful dinner prepared by Nancy. She also allowed us to do our laundry, which is extremely nice! Stayed until 8:30, then headed home. The sunset was beautiful.
August 3, 2015
Went to the driving range to practice and give Bobby the opportunity to swing his pitching wedge. Afterwards, we went to see Arlan and Caroline, visited with them for about an hour, then we ran a few errands before we headed back to the coach.
August 2, 2015

10, it's only 8:30, so since Ron & Paula had eaten, headed to Tommy O's so they could eat. I had water, Bobby had hot chocolate.
Once we finished, we headed back to the market. Paula bought zucchini so she can make relish. We both bought hanging flower baskets (actually Ron bought mine for me) plus she bought a red maple tree. Will look nice on their deck.
Next stop was Craft Warehouse, where I bought thread and lights, to finish my skirt for golf cart parade. Stopped at Chuck's Produce and bought a few vegetables, love that store.
It sprinkled on us, so doubt we'll make 95 today, but who knows. Thought about going to the driving range, Bobby doesn't seem enthused, so doubt we'll do that.
August 1,2015
Walked around the hanger until around 1, then headed to the bridge so we'd have a good viewing point. The Park is already filled and it's hot, NO shade in this park. Found a shot to view and just before the opening ceremony, a sail boat wanted to go under the bridge, so everyone had to get off so bridge could lift....pain, but in the end, we got a better view area when we returned about 20 min. later.
At about 3:20, we arrived at Ron & Paula's, we need to cool off, so we went to play in the River. Later they fixed dinner of hamburgers. Jim & Laurie (neighbors) joined us. Had a great time floating but at about 7, I was done and we headed home. Just to much sun!
July 31, 2015
Bobby is trying really hard to do what the Dr. asked, so we are walking every morning. His shins hurt today, so we did just shy of 3 miles. Really good with hurt shins!
Got home and had no water, apparently someone shut off the system, who knows why!
Not sure what we'll do today, temps are crazy for Portland. Yesterday it was 103 and today is supposed to be 102. If that happens, this will be the hottest July on record for Portland. Otherwise we tie for 2nd, that record is from 1965. NW really needs rain, on our walk this morning, the trees are really suffering from lack of rain. Can't imagine what end of August or September will look like.
July 30, 2015
Protesters on St. Johns Bridge |
Underneath St. Johns Bridge |
Next we headed to St. Johns to see the Greenpeace individuals hanging from the St. Johns bridge. They are trying to stop the Fennica from leaving. The Fennica is an ice breaker that Shell has hired to help them during their oil drillings in Alaska. This morning around 5:30, the Fennica pulled out of dry dock, went under the railroad bridge and then stopped about 1/4 mile from the St. Johns bridge. There are 13 individuals hanging from the bridge with ropes, trying to stop the vessel. At about 8, the vessel turned around and went back to dry dock. What they'll do next is unknown, but assume they'll leave at night when all the kayaks are not in there way and maybe the bridge hangers will be gone, but doubtful, since they've been there for 36 hrs. already.
Then Bobby took me on a tour thru St. Johns, his family used to live in this area. Fun to see his Aunt Lucile's old home. Got back around noon. It's getting very hot out, supposed to hit 100, so probably will stay in for remainder of the day.
July 29, 2015
I'm tired so I stayed home, while Bobby went to have coffee with this buddies and visit others.
Around 1, I walk over to Kaiser to have them adjust my new sunglasses and order a pair of regular glasses. They'll be distance only, can't seem to get the hang of these bifocals.
Bobby took to me to lunch at Panda Express and then we went grocery shopping. Rented two movies: Run all Night & Ex Machina. Both are different.
July 28, 2015
Left the RV park around 11, as we thought we were going to getting into Lake Sawyer in Kent, WA but received call and they are full. Instead of trying to find a place to stay, we elected to just head to Vancouver Elks.
Mt Rainer ..took thru windshield |
We arrived around 3 at the Elks, traffic thru Seattle was not as bad as expected but still miserable right in the heart of the city. I hate I-5 and vowed to never travel thru Seattle again (doubt that works)!!!
When we got to the Elks, our previous spot was open, lucky for us, as weather is going to heat up this weekend. Got settled and started to clean out the truck bed. As I mentioned above, oil from the pressure washer made a mess. Thankfully, did not ruin anything. Once that was finalized, we walked over to the office to sign in and have a cocktail, we were hot and very tired. While we were enjoying our beverages, I played the 25 cent pulltabs, I won $25 price! Better than the slot machines at the casino!!