July 20, 2012
Taking a break....we'll do laundry, go swimming, etc. Might run into town but that's it for today.
July 19, 2012
Infamous Dome at Notre Dame |
It was raining when we woke up so we decided that we'd take the 1:00 PM tour of Notre Dame in hopes it would let up. On the way to South Bend, we took a route that took us into Michigan....approx 10 miles north and found a geocash. Now we have Michigan. Yeah!!!
We then drove to the mall in South Bend and went to the Apple store. Bobby asked several questions about issues with the his ipad....got them answered. We then had lunch at Panda Express....Bobby needed is Chinese fix.
View from Library at Notre Dame |
Arrived at Notre Dame about 12:45...so we decided to take the self-guided tour. It allows you to spend much more time in each area. It's a huge campus but oh so beautiful. Many of the students have bicycles to get around....we could see why! We toured the main buildings....Gold dome, Basilica, library, bookstore, visitor center plus walked around the stadium. You are not allowed to entry the stadium unless you have a special invitation (there was a group from Spain that got in), it's the Friday before a game day or it's a game day. This tradition has been going on since 1929. We thought maybe the students were allowed, but NO ONE is allowed. Strange custom but it's there custom.
Inside the Basilica at Notre Dame |
We then had a few errands to run....get mail, buy a water filter, etc. We then got home around 6:00 PM. Bobby proceed to fix the leak about our door, apparently the rubber above the door was rotten and he resealed it with silicone! Fixed dinner, we had bought noodles earlier in the week from an Amish store....they were not what I expected....more like a Campbell's chicken noodle soup noodle. They tasted good just not what I had anticipated.
July 18, 2012
Amish buggy at grocery store |
What a busy day we had....got up and headed to Middelbury....had breakfast at the Das Dutchman Essenhaus. Excellent food and a great gift shop area. One the way to Guggisberg Deutch Kase Haus (cheese mfg), we stopped at Dutch Country Market and watched them make homemade noodles. We asked the owner which noodles would be best for spagetti, he laughed, as the Amish don't eat spagetti. They have chicken or beef and noodles. He gave us a suggestion and we bought some "fine" noodles. Very small in size.
Forgot to mention, that along the way we found 2 more quilts and took pics.
Quilt centerpiece |
We then head to the cheese factory, OMG....what wonderful cheese. It's so creamy, it melts like butter in your mouth. They give free samples, so we tried many varieties. Did not buy any as it would have to sit in the car for many hours.
Then we continued on to Shipshewana and hit the auction/flea market. The auction was interesting....5 times the size of Havasu flea market area and they had around 10 people auctioning. We did not buy anything. We then went out to the flea market. It's the largest flea market in the mid-west. It took us 4 hrs to walk thru 2/3 of it.....I think the one in Canton, TX is larger....but it has antiques, where this one had very little antiques. Our feet are very tired! Bought several things.....and saw many things we'd like to have bought. In particular, the Amish are building poly furniture....it's so comfortable and will last for ever, since it's plastic.
Very expensive but think it's worth the cost since it will last a very long time.
Poly pot mfg by Amish |
Once we left the flea market, we head to Yoder store, then the meat market. More samples, bought cheese. They had same flavors we had at the cheese factory....excellent. Bought some ranch curds and Swiss rye cheese, can't wait to have it with friends. Hopefully it will last until we get back home....doubtful!
Then head to E&S sales, they sell 1,000's of items in bulk. Had everything from spices, soup mixes, vegetables, canned items, you name it, they had it.
Mae West's Motorhome |
Along the route home (route 20), we stopped at the Rise 'n roll bakery. OMG what an amazing bakery. Thank goodness they were sold out of their cinnamon carmel donuts. We did get a sample but but the lady in front of us had bought the last dozen. They are a bite of heaven. Once again, they sell many items other than baked goods. We bought some sweat mustard relish and some pickled baby beets.
Decided to stop at the RV/motorhome museum on way home. It's about 3 miles from where we are staying. Nice museum on the history of the RV industry. We think the one in Oklahoma is better....but that's our opinion.
Tomorrow we are going to Notre Dame.
July 17, 2012
Quilt garden in Wakarusa |
Drove to Nappanee, IN and toured the Newmar RV plant. Very interesting....like most RV manufactures, they have suffered hard time. Have gone from 1,000 employees to less than 400. They are making about 5 coaches a week, including the King Aire & Essex....both top of their line.
We then head to Monaco in Wakarusa....the difference here is that they make 25 coaches a week but they no longer make their top of the line Navigator, Signature or Dynasty models. Plans are to return the Dynasty in August. The tour guide did inform us that Monaco in Oregon only makes towables (trailers)....all motorhomes are now produced in Indiana.
Linton's garden in Elkhart |
We then headed to Goshen to see the quilt gardens. While in Nappanee and Wakarusa, we saw those there too. We stopped by one of the quilt shops, the avg price is $1,000. Saw some for $4,000. No, we did not buy one!
One the way home we stopped by Linton Gardens....it's a nursery and gift shop in one. Reminded me of Al's in Oregon but only larger. Very nice. Could have spent serious dollars had we been going back home immediately! Bobby is very happy....saves on the pocket book! LOL.
July 16, 2012
Played golf at the Elks Golf Course in Elkhart.....tough little course I must say. Played horrible, Bobby did same. The high heat and humidity might have contributed plus lack of play. Still had fun though!
July 15, 2012
Bobby at Christian Golf Course (Elks) |
Drove into town and went to the Elks golf course. Made arrangements for us to play tomorrow at 11:30. We then found another one of the flower quilts. They are so beautiful. Went to verizon, had them fix my phone, bought some milk at the grocery store and then came home. Will spend the remainder of the day working on my pics, bulletin for my insurance women's group, making muffins, paint my toe nails and watch golf.
July 14, 2012
It's around 8:00 AM and we are heading north via hwy 31. It's a
country road, a little rough...yes, I'm driving. First leg I driven this
trip. Took us about 3 hrs. We arrived at the South Bend Elks
Lodge...we had been informed they had electricity....well it was 110 not 30
amps. Even though it's a very nice club, we decided we need to run
the air with temps in the 90's. Found Elkhart Campgrounds and headed
One of the quilts in Shipshewana, IN |
It's about 19 miles from South Bend so no big deal. Got set up
and decided to catch up on a few of my emails and read a little about the
area. I had done some research and knew a town called Shiphewana
was having an ice scream social today. We left around 3:00 PM and
drove the 17 miles to Shiphewana. Found the social and watched the horse
run on a tread mill to turn the ice cream maker. Very
interesting. While we were looking around, Barb & Judy called
and gave us several suggestions on what to see in this area. Since
it's almost 5:00 PM, most stores already closed, but we did get to see the
garden in town. What a treat. The garden looks like a
quilt....supposedly their is a trail of these gardens....before we leave, I'll
have seen them.
Tomorrow we are staying in and taking it easy. It's Sunday and most stores/restaurants
in this area are closed. Besides, I need to catch up on my pictures,
newsletter for my insurance women's group, etc.
July 13, 2012
On winners circle at Indy 500 |
Arrived around 8:45 at the speedway museum, purchased our tickets ($25 each)
for the complete tour. You get to take a bus which started out
taking a lap around the track. Along the way the guide explained
various facts about the track. He took us thru the media room,
gasoline alley, some of the suites, victory lane and the tower. It
was a great feeling being able to “kiss the brick” at the brickyard!!!!!
Then we headed downtown to see that area. Spent time in
the City Center mall…similar to Lloyd Center in Portland. Had
lunch, then head to the Soldiers & Sailors War memorial. It’s
285’ tall…you can walk the 331 steps to the top or ride the elevator…we choose
the elevator. Lazy!!!!
Then we toured the canal that runs around downtown and then came home.
There were a couple of geocashes around the fairgrounds, so we found
them. This gives us Indiana....think we now have 16
Tomorrow we head towards South Bend, In.
July 12, 2012
Indy 500 Headquarters |
Left Springfield around 8:00 and headed to Indianapolis. Never
seen so many cornfields....to bad the drought is taking a toll and most will
not produce. Everytime we tell someone we are originally from
Oregon, they ask if we brought them rain. Sorry, but so far
no! Once we found the State Fair Grounds and got set up, we took a drive
to the speedway. Spent about 1 1/2 hrs in the museum and made
arrangements to take the grounds tour tomorrow. It's amazing the
size of this facility. Much larger than I thought....it was very exciting
to drive in through the tunnel and say we were at the Indy 500
The brickyard 400 is on the 27th, too bad I did not read about this sooner,
would have made arrangements to be here a week later. Next
time. We then went to the golf course connected to the race
track. Very expensive to play...$90 a person. All the good
tee-times were taken and I refuse to play late in the
afternoon. Next time for this too!