Met with the back specialist today. The two disks are the L3 and the T12. I thought they'd be close together but they are not. In the picture, the area in yellow is the T12. The L3 is the almost at the bottom of the spine and is not a concern to the Dr. However, he thinks the T12 is the culprit and will give an injection, since we've already tried prednisone which didn't help.
The MRI we did was not complete, in that it did show all the T disks, so we have to go have another MRI. The assistant to Dr. Gambee made the calls and will make sure we are not charged for a seconded MRI since it was their fault. Thank you Dr. Gambee
Injection is schedule for 30th, we have to go the hospital. Once they do the injection, he has to stay their to 2-3 hrs. Hopefully this works, if not, we'll talk about surgery on the 14th, when we see Dr. Gambee again.
Dr. did say his spine is in great shape, which made us happy. He seemed fairly positive that the injection should cure the problem. Fingers are crossed.
Bobby felt great after visit, so we went to Panda Express for lunch. While driving home, Vancouver Radiology called, we are going in at 5 PM to get the MRI done..
Came home and rested for about an hr, then we went to see John & Judy Hazen, old friends from our days in Tyee Yacht Club. Had a great visit and then had to go get MRI. Afterwards, Bobby was hurting so came home. Long day for him.
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