September 19, 2014
Life in Havasu has changed much since we left May 15th. It's nice to be home but will take us a little while to get accustom to these temps. Not sure when Bobby will start playing golf, but I won't start until the 1st. Hopefully by then, I should be acclimated to least that's my plan!!!
I've been working on a new craft, creating a birdbath that I may or may not use at a birdbath. I'll post a picture tomorrow, the glue is not set. It's made from items I got at Goodwill except for the base, which I bought. I really like it.
Every afternoon around 2, I head to the pool for my swim. Try to do 10 laps, today did 20, no, not all at once. Over an hour!!!! I wears me out!! Bobby usually joins me, but today to a nap instead.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Heading home 2014
September 18, 2014
I went to a meeting for my golf league while Bobby stayed home to do a few chores. Got back around 11:30 to find Arizona Awnings here looking at the damage. They got up to the motor and checked on motor. Everything seemed fine, then they looked at the circuit breaker (just inside the coach door)...low and behold, I must have turned off the electricity while trying to pull back in the awning. At least that was a simple fix!!! The replaced the screws that had popped out and re-caulked the area and we were back in business. All this cost us $65, service call. Much better than our deductible with insurance company!!!!
September 17, 2014
Called the insurance company about awning last night, we have to find someone who can repair as State Farm does not have a company they deal with here. So, off to town Bobby went to ask questions.
While he was gone, I washed the outside furniture and set up the patio. He came back in about 2 hrs to report he'd talked with two companies, one of which was Arizona Awnings (they put on our patio awnings) and Shade Pro (they replaced our slide out awnings two years ago). Should come out later this week to give us an estimate.
It's very hot and humid, extremely unusual for September. Do to this, swimming pool here I come!!! It's very hot, 90 degrees or so. More like a bath than a refreshing dip!
September 16, 2014
Arrived in Lake Havasu around 3 PM. Got the coach set up and then started to clean out the casita and set up the patio. I put out the awning to provide additional shade but low and hold about an hour later a sever windstorm came up and tore one of the arms off the side of the coach. Finally got the awning back in (did it manually because electricty was not working) with the help of neighbor Danny....thank you Danny!!!
Not only did the wind come up but we had heavy rains, putting a major damper on finish the set up. Oh well, we have lots of time tomorrow to finish.
September 15, 2014
We continued our trip stopping at the Sandia Resort & Casino in Albuquerque, NM for the night. Once we parked the rig in their dry camping area, we headed to Costco as this is the closest one to us on our route home. We spent over $500 but we'll be well stocked for home!!! Took our supplies back to the coach and then I made a trip to Trader Joes, Albertsons and Smith's. Don't have any more room so guess I'm done until we get home We should be in Havasu around 3-4 tomorrow.
September 14, 2014
Said our goodbyes and hit the road around 8:00 AM. Stopped at Lambert's near Springfield, MO for an early lunch, since they don't serve breakfast. It was 10:30 by the time we arrived, the road from Theodosia is windy but utterly beautiful. Lambert's is the home of the throwed rolls....yummy!!!! I had chicken and Bobby a hamburger. I took over 3/4 of mine home!!
Bobby can smell home so we've decided to travel to Oklahoma City...that's where I make him stop for the night...otherwise he'd keep driving. We spend the night in Dick's parking lot, we are just here for the night, so we'll dry camp. There are lots of stores in this area, so once we've found a spot to park the rig, we walk up and down the stores, looking inside. I found a golf skirt in Dicks but that's all we bought.
I went to a meeting for my golf league while Bobby stayed home to do a few chores. Got back around 11:30 to find Arizona Awnings here looking at the damage. They got up to the motor and checked on motor. Everything seemed fine, then they looked at the circuit breaker (just inside the coach door)...low and behold, I must have turned off the electricity while trying to pull back in the awning. At least that was a simple fix!!! The replaced the screws that had popped out and re-caulked the area and we were back in business. All this cost us $65, service call. Much better than our deductible with insurance company!!!!
September 17, 2014
Called the insurance company about awning last night, we have to find someone who can repair as State Farm does not have a company they deal with here. So, off to town Bobby went to ask questions.
While he was gone, I washed the outside furniture and set up the patio. He came back in about 2 hrs to report he'd talked with two companies, one of which was Arizona Awnings (they put on our patio awnings) and Shade Pro (they replaced our slide out awnings two years ago). Should come out later this week to give us an estimate.
It's very hot and humid, extremely unusual for September. Do to this, swimming pool here I come!!! It's very hot, 90 degrees or so. More like a bath than a refreshing dip!
September 16, 2014
Arrived in Lake Havasu around 3 PM. Got the coach set up and then started to clean out the casita and set up the patio. I put out the awning to provide additional shade but low and hold about an hour later a sever windstorm came up and tore one of the arms off the side of the coach. Finally got the awning back in (did it manually because electricty was not working) with the help of neighbor Danny....thank you Danny!!!
Not only did the wind come up but we had heavy rains, putting a major damper on finish the set up. Oh well, we have lots of time tomorrow to finish.
September 15, 2014
We continued our trip stopping at the Sandia Resort & Casino in Albuquerque, NM for the night. Once we parked the rig in their dry camping area, we headed to Costco as this is the closest one to us on our route home. We spent over $500 but we'll be well stocked for home!!! Took our supplies back to the coach and then I made a trip to Trader Joes, Albertsons and Smith's. Don't have any more room so guess I'm done until we get home We should be in Havasu around 3-4 tomorrow.
September 14, 2014
Said our goodbyes and hit the road around 8:00 AM. Stopped at Lambert's near Springfield, MO for an early lunch, since they don't serve breakfast. It was 10:30 by the time we arrived, the road from Theodosia is windy but utterly beautiful. Lambert's is the home of the throwed rolls....yummy!!!! I had chicken and Bobby a hamburger. I took over 3/4 of mine home!!
Bobby can smell home so we've decided to travel to Oklahoma City...that's where I make him stop for the night...otherwise he'd keep driving. We spend the night in Dick's parking lot, we are just here for the night, so we'll dry camp. There are lots of stores in this area, so once we've found a spot to park the rig, we walk up and down the stores, looking inside. I found a golf skirt in Dicks but that's all we bought.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Missouri 2014
September 13, 2014
Last day in Theodosia and Bobby & I decided to play in the local mixed team golf tournament. Neither of us played our game so we did not place in the top two but did end up third! We had a great time, played with Mat and Brandy (they work at the course). We had a great time with these two!
After the game, they feed us sandwiches and chilli, can't ask for anything better than that!
Later in the day, we fixed a spaghetti dinner for Joe & Sharon. They've spoiled us while we've been here, fixing dinner almost every night. Their place is amazing and I see why they live in Theodosia, MO during the summer.
September 12, 2014
Bull Shoal Dam |
Joe & Sharon at Gaston Park |
Joe & Sharon decided to take us to see the Bull Shoals Dam, which is about 45 miles from their home. It's a beautiful drive that takes you into Arkansas. They say the dam is bigger than Hoover, not sure that's true, it certainly did not look that big. Of course we could not tour, hate those regulations.
Inside of Gaston Restaurant |
On the way back home, we saw many deer, first we've seen since getting here. Got back to their house around 5:00, it's still very cold so we'll stay in and try to get warm. Bobby said Sharon was in bed reading a book, I have the heater on!!!!
September 11, 2014
Got up and went to the deck to once again watch the wildlife. I love seeing all the birds, but that's all we've seen so far. Correction, we saw a turtle
Around 9 we head to Theodosia to have breakfast at Cookies (only restaurant)...very good. Came back to coach, Joe & Bobby headed back into town to see if we can get a metal hinge on the coach door fixed. It broke while we were on our way to Nashville. Sharon went into the house to do some house work, while I decided to catch up on my blog, etc.
Hopefully we'll get a round of golf in but it's raining. It's also much cooler, in fact I have a sweatshirt on!!!!!
Later in the evening, Sharon fixed a wonderful steak dinner for us! We watched the Raven's and Pittsburgh football game for a while, then came home.
September 10, 2014
Bobby & Joe on the deck |
At the restaurant |
After about an hr, Sharon fixed breakfast, wonderful meal. Then Joe took us on a tour of the neighborhood. There are 31 homes in this area. They also own another home just down the road, which he took us through. It also has a tremendous view of the lake, just a different arm. It's for sale!!!! No, we are not going to buy, although it's tempting to live here. Reminds me of eastern Oregon with all the pine trees.
Later in the afternoon, we went to lunch at the Dawt Mills Restaurant. This place was once an operating Grist Mill but no longer operates because of the 2010 flood. Back in 2010, the lake rose 78' and destroyed many things, in fact this flood is the one that caused Nashville so many problems. Joe told us that the water was so high, you could sit on the edge of the bridge and touch the water with your feet.
When you see the pics, you'll see how much the water rose.
Carp at the marina |
Bald Eagle on edge of the lake |
After the tour we came home and Bobby washed the coach as it's raining. Yes, a very warm rain. It's extremely hot and muggy but tomorrow is supposed to bring cooler weather.
September 9, 2014
Mammouth Springs |
Fish Hatchery |
About 50 miles before arriving, we did stop at Mammoth Springs and walked thru the fish hatchery and looked at the springs. That area is beautiful, in fact this drive was beautiful.
We parked the motorhome at the Lost Woods golf course (they own it) and waited for them to come home. Joe was having an MRI done in Springfield. Had lunch and went over to the course to look around. Joe came over around 2:30 and took us to their home...we parked the motorhome between their home and their garage. Normally their motorhome would be here, but they left it in Havasu this summer. They have a beautiful home that looks out onto the lake. Sitting on the back deck allows for great views of the lake, birds, etc. No wonder they love coming here!!!
View from their home |
Lost in the Woods golf course |
Around 5, Bobby and Joe went to the golf course to let Bobby play in the men's league. Joe can't play right now because of his back issues. Sharon made meatloaf for the men's league dinner, so we left around 6 to head to the course. She and Brandi (works for them at the course), served meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn for $6. We ate there, it was excellent! Had an oreo ice cream dessert, that Sharon made...wonderful.
Came home and visited a little but they were extremely tired from going to Springfield, etc.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Last day in Nashville & Memphis 2014
September 8, 2014
Headed out around 8:30, wanted to get to Mud Island and have enough time to look around before our 11:15 tour of Gibson Guitars. Low and behold, Mud Island is closed on Mondays!!!! So disappointing.
Now we have to waste time before our tour, so we head to Beale street. On weekdays, they close Beale street to traffic at 5:00 PM but there was very little on it today. You are allowed to walk up and down the street with a dink in hand if you so desire!!!
We looked in several of the shops, looking in the oldest store in Memphis, A. Schwab. This store is famous for saying if they don't have it, you don't need it!!!
The Peabody Hotel is just up the street, so we headed there. This hotel is famous for the ducks that live on the rooftop. Every day they are lead down the elevator, to the fountain in the main lobby at 11:00 AM, where they spend the day until they're lead back to their home on the rooftop at 5:00 PM. We did not get to see them in action as we had the tour coming up, but did get to see them on the roof. There is on male and 4 female mallard ducks. The head duckmasteir "Doug" was on the roof, and gave us a history lesson about Memphis. We had a tremendous view of the city from this roof top. Even though we did not get to see the ducks in action, the view was well worth it.
Gibson Guitars is about 3 blocks from the Peabody. Once we arrived, we looked inside the store, you can buy a variety of Gibson Guitars. The most famous on is the Les Paul. We then took the guide lead tour. Interesting how they make them....I loved all the colors they offer! Yellow, black, red, purple, white! Surprisingly most of the employees are not musically inclined!
Next we headed back to Beale street to find some lunch. Ate at BB Kings, had BBQ, very good. While walking to BB Kings, we met Clyde Hopkins, godfather of the blues. I say he was in his late 80's. He was standing beside his name on the sidewalk. Obviously he a famous blues player, I just did not know him.
We then walked down and looked at the muddy Mississippi! It is big and might, just like they say.
Walked back to car and headed for home. By now we are hot & tired and just want air conditioning. Later we so swimming, so nice to cool off in the pool. Tomorrow we leave Tenn and head into Arkansas.
September 7, 2014
Graceland is just steps away from us so today we toured the entire facility. We arrived at 9, in hopes of
beating the crowds, which we did. Got seats on the 1st tour bus. Even though we are at Graceland, the mansion is directly across the street but instead of walking, the bus you to the front door.
Prior to boarding the bus, the gave each of us an ipad, which is actually your tour guide. Once you arrive at the front door, it starts describing each room, giving you the details plus allows you to view videos, listen to short stories, etc about Elvis and his life.
It's amazing how much stuff they have at Graceland, Think they said they have over 10 million items, of which only 10% are displayed. Besides the furnishings, you see his albums, outfits, the stables, billiards room and the cemetery. It's nothing what I anticipated, I thought it would be a huge mansion with many rooms, even though it's two stories, it's more like a ranch home. I guess for the 60's, it was elaborate. I must say, the colors (very bold) were beautiful just not something I would/could live with!!!
Once we finished the tour of the house, we returned to the other side of the street where you get to see more articles, movies, videos, his car collection, etc. on Elvis' life. Best part for me, you hear his music everywhere! You'd better be an Elvis lover, otherwise you'd get tired of hearing his songs.
On these grounds you get to see Lisa Marie Airplane along with a jet he used to travel across the country. The Lisa Marie has a queen size bed and the seat belts are gold!!!
You can buy anything form records, clothes, nicknacks, etc. at this facility....Elvis fans go nuts here!!
The entire tour took us about 4 hrs, so afterwards we came home, had lunch and then went swimming. In the pool, you hear Elvis music. It's kind of cool swimming to Elvis!!!
September 6, 2014
Left Nashville around 8:00 AM and headed west....getting closer to home! I-40 is a horrible road on this section, lots of pot holes! Surprised we did not break some dishes.

Arrived at Graceland RV park at around noon, it's supposed to rain heavy, so we' elected to stay in. I did walk over to Graceland, it's next door, about 2 blocks away. You can see it if we step outside and look around the back of the coach. They have lots of stores to look thru, so we'll do that tomorrow while taking our tour. I did go into the Heart Break Hotel...nothing special and the Rock-n-roll cafe, again, nothing special. Excited however to tour Graceland tomorrow.
Came back to the coach, watching the Oregon game....go Ducks!!
September 5, 2014

Last day in Nashville so we decided we'd do laundry so this will be our last trip to the laundromat for this trip. We should be home around the 15th.
After the laundry, we decided to head to the Opry Mills Mall, where we saw the movie "the November Man". It's very action packed, good movie, would recommend it!
We decided to waste time walking around the mall before we had to be at 7 PM. I bought a pair of shorts and a top at IZOD. Had a $10 coupon so my total purchase cost me $12....great deal!!!
Arrived at the Opry at about 6:45, found our seats, great seats. We were in section 13, rows, seats 3 & 4. Had an unobstructed view of the stage, we were in the first row of this sections. The rows are a little tight, if someone wanted to get in or out, it was difficult, even if you stood up. Otherwise, they were perfect!

I loved hearing all the old musicians, Jim Ed Brown, Whispering Bill Anderson, John Connelly, Restless Heart, these were just a few of the artists that appeared. They have 4 sessions, each having 3 artists. The Opry is a live radio show, so in between sessions, you hear the radio announcer talking about the sponsors.
We'd certainly come back again. Note: drinks at the Opry are very was $6.25 and call drink, $10.
View from Peabody Hotel |
Les Paul Guitars made by Gibson |
Now we have to waste time before our tour, so we head to Beale street. On weekdays, they close Beale street to traffic at 5:00 PM but there was very little on it today. You are allowed to walk up and down the street with a dink in hand if you so desire!!!
We looked in several of the shops, looking in the oldest store in Memphis, A. Schwab. This store is famous for saying if they don't have it, you don't need it!!!
Orpheum Theater |
Clyde Hopkins, godfather of the blues |
We then walked down and looked at the muddy Mississippi! It is big and might, just like they say.
Walked back to car and headed for home. By now we are hot & tired and just want air conditioning. Later we so swimming, so nice to cool off in the pool. Tomorrow we leave Tenn and head into Arkansas.
September 7, 2014
Graceland Entrance |
Front of the Graceland |
beating the crowds, which we did. Got seats on the 1st tour bus. Even though we are at Graceland, the mansion is directly across the street but instead of walking, the bus you to the front door.
Prior to boarding the bus, the gave each of us an ipad, which is actually your tour guide. Once you arrive at the front door, it starts describing each room, giving you the details plus allows you to view videos, listen to short stories, etc about Elvis and his life.
Living Room |
Lisa Marie & Priscilla |
Once we finished the tour of the house, we returned to the other side of the street where you get to see more articles, movies, videos, his car collection, etc. on Elvis' life. Best part for me, you hear his music everywhere! You'd better be an Elvis lover, otherwise you'd get tired of hearing his songs.
In the Record can see the ipad on Bobby |
Elvis & the hounddog |
You can buy anything form records, clothes, nicknacks, etc. at this facility....Elvis fans go nuts here!!
The entire tour took us about 4 hrs, so afterwards we came home, had lunch and then went swimming. In the pool, you hear Elvis music. It's kind of cool swimming to Elvis!!!
September 6, 2014
Left Nashville around 8:00 AM and headed west....getting closer to home! I-40 is a horrible road on this section, lots of pot holes! Surprised we did not break some dishes.
Came back to the coach, watching the Oregon game....go Ducks!!
September 5, 2014
After the laundry, we decided to head to the Opry Mills Mall, where we saw the movie "the November Man". It's very action packed, good movie, would recommend it!
We decided to waste time walking around the mall before we had to be at 7 PM. I bought a pair of shorts and a top at IZOD. Had a $10 coupon so my total purchase cost me $12....great deal!!!
Arrived at the Opry at about 6:45, found our seats, great seats. We were in section 13, rows, seats 3 & 4. Had an unobstructed view of the stage, we were in the first row of this sections. The rows are a little tight, if someone wanted to get in or out, it was difficult, even if you stood up. Otherwise, they were perfect!
We'd certainly come back again. Note: drinks at the Opry are very was $6.25 and call drink, $10.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Kentucky 2014
September 4, 2014
Corvette Museum |
We bought our tickets for the museum knowing we’d have to
leave before we’d finish but tickets are good for all day. They have cars on display that individuals
have purchased but have not picked up.
The colors are so pretty!!!! I
love the yellow but blue seems to be the most popular color.
Made from pics of Corvettes |
Once inside the museum, you learn about the history of the
corvette and the talented individuals that created this iconic car. I prefer the older versions vs. the new
ones! Loved the 1960 they have on
display. While walking around you can
read interesting facts they’ve posted along the tour. You learn the love the original owner had
both for the corvette and racing.
Corvette is still involved in the racing industry; in fact they had a
section on Nascar and the Mr. Hendrick.
Sink Hole |
At about 10:45, we head to the plant facility, which is
about a mile away from the museum. Once
checked in, we watched a video about the facility and safety while touring the
plant. It’s a first come, first serve
system, even though we all had reservations.
Must have been 100+ of us, we were assigned to the third group. A young gentleman from KY University led the
tour, informing us of the processes that were occurring throughout the plant
while we walked along. They have about
900 employees at this facility. All cars
have been per-ordered either by individuals or dealers. Very impressive because they make 140-170 a
day!!!! Watching the robots and humans
work together was very interesting, although they did not have as many robots
as I had anticipated.
Some of the cars damaged |
The tour lasted about an hour, only bad thing, you can't take pics. Afterwards we returned to the
museum to see the stuff we missed. Back
in Feb of this year, the main display area was damaged by a sink hole. Apparently KY had thousands of cave and many
are unknown, like the one that caused this sink hole. The roof of the cave collapsed at 5:45 AM
and took with it 8 corvettes. They were
lucky that not more cars got damaged or that the entire building wasn’t
damaged. When you see the hole you
wander why it isn’t bigger!
Per the guard, they are only going to refurbish 2 of the
cars, one owned by the museum and the other owned by GM. GM’s car was a racing car and the museum car
was the 1,000,000th car built.
Many cars are on loan to the museum and some of those were damaged…so
sad to see what is left. No much!!!
We arrived home around 4:30, long day but well worth the
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