August 25, 2013
Panning for garnets |
Train in Nevada City |
We spent the day touring the towns of Virginia City &
Nevada City. Decided to take the train
that takes you between the two cities, you learn about the history of the
area. While in Nevada City we toured the
old buildings and watch individuals make rugs, sewing clothing, etc. Very interesting.
We took the train back to Virginia City and walked up and
down the main street. It’s a very old
western town. Afterwards, I wanted to
dig for garnets, so we drove to a place near Nevada City and bought a bucket of
dirt for $15. They taught us how to wash
it and collect our jewels. Yes, we did
find a few small pieces, enough to fill a small vial…nothing big enough to make
jewelry though.
August 24, 2013
at entrance to cavern |
Inside cavern |
Left Butte around 9:30 as we had to get propane and gas. Decided we take a different route and go to Lewis & Clark Caverns...glad we did. Even though we've seen many caverns, this is a great one. You have to walk 1/2 mile up a steep trail (you gain 300' in elevation), then you climb up 100 steps to get to entrance. While in the cavern, you climb or go down over 500 steps. Some of the passageways are very tight and Bobby had to go through them backwards, so not to hit his head. I had no problems.
We then headed onto Ennis, arrived around 3:00. Got set up and then went into to town to get a movie....not much TV reception.
Tomorrow we'll go to Virgina City.
August 23, 2013
Lady of the Rockies |
Bobby with our tour guide |
First stop was the Chev dealer, need to change oil in the truck. Made an appt for 1:15, then we headed to the Lady of the Rockies tour building, where we watched a 20 min. video on how it was made. We then loaded into 2 vans for our 45 min ride to the statue. It's a private road, so you must take the tour to see it. Believe me, it worth the cost to see the 2nd tallest statue in the USA..statue of Liberty is #1. The other tour guide actually worked on the roads and building of the statue, so it was interesting hearing him tell his stories. We were there about an hour, then then brought us back to the mall.
Miners Memorial |
We took the truck to the Chev dealer, then walked to the coach for lunch. They called around 2:15 and said it was done but it was raining so Bobby waited another hour. Once he got home, we headed to see the mining memorial that's located near the Berkley pit. They did a great job at displaying this memorial.
27 oz piece of gold |
We then headed to the mining museum, I wanted to see the largest piece of gold ever found in this weighs over 27 oz.
It was after 5 when we left the museum, so we drove around town looking at the houses, etc. We'll have to see the inside of the mansions next time.
August 22, 2013
First thing you see in Butte |
Mat brings pigs to shop |
Left Helena around 11:00, waited for Mat to return from Butte so we could say goodbye. Once we arrived in Butte, we went to the Lady of the Rockies tour office and made arrangements to take the tour at 10:00 AM. Then we headed into town to look around. First stop was the Berkley's a huge copper mining pit that is no longer being used. In fact, it's a lake filled with acidic water that kills everything that gets near it. Thankfully, birds don't land in it.
Berkley Pit in Butte |
Copper King Mansion |
We then drove past the college and went to the Mining museum but it was closed for a private function. We then went to find the "copper kings" Mansion. Along the way we found the Charles's the house the copper king built for his wife. It was also closed. Finally found the Copper King mansion but it was 3:30 and it closed at 4. It's a bed and breakfast, so they only show tours at giving hours. It started raining just as we drove up to the mansion, so we headed back to the coach....once again, left windows open.
Spent the evening watching movies.
August 21, 2013
Last Chance Tour Train |
Decided we'd take the train tour around downtown, first one is at 11:00 so we sat around and had a leisure breakfast....wonderful! Arrived downtown around 9:40, boarded train and waited for the conductor. She gave a very informative tour of the downtown area, Last Chance Gulch, many of the mansions, 1874 lookout station, etc.
1874 lookout station |
We then headed to the walking mall in downtown. The train is able to drive on it but otherwise it's a walking mall. Our train ticket allowed us to get a few free things....soda and ice cream to name a few. We then head back to the coach, as as soon as Mat gets off work, we are going to take the Gates of the Mountains tour.
art work in downtown |
Mat informed us at 2:25 that the last tour is at 3:00, we thought it was at 4. By the time we get there, the boat is just pulling away from the dock...yes, we missed it. So, Mat took us on a scenic tour of the area.
We arrived back at the house around 5:30, sat around and BS for a while, then the four of us headed to dinner. They treated us to Chubby's, it's about 12 miles south of Helena, yhey are famous for their gizzards. They were a little chewy for us but flavor was excellent. For dinner, the three of them had deep fried pork chop sandwiches. Bobby said it was wonderful...I had a chicken salad.
Have not decided if we'll leave tomorrow or spend one more day....tomorrow, we'll decide.
August 20, 2013
Catholic Church |
Inside the church |
Woke up to lots of smoke in the air, learned later in the day it's from the Idaho Fire.
We left around 7:45 to take coach to Les Schwab. Left Max out in Anita's yard, cooler than being in truck.
Next stop was the Cathedral of magnificent. You won't believe the stain glass work inside. The outside is nice but not as impressive as the inside.
Wanted to take the train tour of downtown, but it did not start until 11:00, so we drove back to Les Schwab. Coach was done, apparently value stem came loose. Hope it's fixed. Took the coach back to Mat's, let Max inside...happy to see us. Decided we'd drive to Deer Lodge, MT and see the sites there
Grant-Kohr Ranch house |
On the ranch...gave us coffee cooked on the fire |
First stop, the Grant-Kohr ranch. This was a 1,000,000 acre cattle farm in it's hay day. You get a guided tour thru the house but you are allowed to wonder around the remaining buildings by yourself. Along with cattle, they also had Clydesdale horses (these belong to Mr. Kohr's grandson). It's a great opportunity to see how important the cattle industry was to us.
We then headed into town to have some lunch...ate at the local casino. Not many choices in this town! Next we went to the Old Montana State Prison, only option is the self-guided tour. They give you a map and it walks you thru the buildings, the main building was destroyed in the 1959 Earthquake. It's kind of spooky walk thru the cells, can't imagine the living conditions these inmates had. Not something I'd every want to experience!
Bobby's future car...must win lottery 1st |
Prison |
Connected to the prision is a wonder auto museum, which we toured, along with 4 others on the opposite side of the street. Those covered the history of Montana, Cottonwood City (name before changed to Deer Lodge), Ragged Ann & Andy collection, doll collections plus others.
Got home around 5:30, fixed dinner and will just catch up my blog, etc. tonight.
August 19, 2013
Common sighting in town |
capital of MT |
First stop, Les an appt for tomorrow at 8:00. We then drove to the visitor center (along the way, we saw 5 bucks crossing the street....still in velvet...apparently this is common), picked up several brochures and then headed to the capital. We took the tour, the gentleman was very imforative. They had just completed a major renovation in 2002. They took it back to the original (or best they could). We learned about the paintings, strained glass, etc. The most interesting facts I recall are that the road house appraisal company came in and appraised the stained glass, some of it was appraised at over $2,000,000. The pink glass is the most expensive...didn't know that. Also they have an original Charlie Russell's painting in the House of's value is over $60,000,000....yes, this figure is correct.
Charlie Russel painting |
Next stop was the Historical Museum, which is next door to the capital. It has very interesting items plus a huge collect of Charlie Russell's.
Skull at museum |
We then decided to go to Walmart for cat food...Max won't be happy unless I come home with food.
Decided to make spagetti for Mat & Anita....pretty simple dinner for us...they loved it. Anita works for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, as was happy not to have to cook.
Watched a show called Longmire with them, then came back to coach around 9.
August 18, 2013
Got up and got the coach ready to travel, however when we went out side to check the outside, I noticed the right rear tire was we go again, I said to myself! Bobby pumped air into it, since it's Sunday, everything is closed. We decided it was a slow leak and we could make it to our next stop, Helena.
Swan Lake |
We took hwy 83, what a beautiful drive, you go alongside 3-4 lakes. The road was good but a little windy. When stopped at a pull off near Lincoln, MT and unhooked the car. Left the motorhome parked in the shade and headed into Lincoln. At the Ranger Station there is a 830 LB grizzle that a pickup hit in 2007. It was very impressive thru the window, yes, it's Sunday and it's closed! Thank goodness we had a window to peak thru. Drove back to the coach and continued onto Helena.
830 lb grizzly |
We arrived in Helena around 2:30, we drove to Tizer Meats, the owners Mat & Anita (they are best friends with Ron & Deb). They are allowing us to stay on their property while we are here in Helena. Their home is next door to the meat processing business. Ron came over also (drove separately), to help Mat with his refrigeration units.
We sat around the rest of the afternoon talking until around 7, when they took us to Brewery House to have dinner. Excellent food, especially the coconut covered onion rings. They were to die for!
August 17, 2014
Conrad Mansion |
Parlor at Conrad Mansion |
Ron & Deb picked us up around 10:00 and we headed to Kalispell. First thing on our agenda, drop their car off at Les Schwab, the tire stem needs to be repaired on one of their tires. We then headed to the Conrad Mansion, got their about 11:10, the tour had already started, so we drove to Woodland park and walked around. Arrived back at the mansion around 11:50, as tour starts on the hour.
The guide we had was very informative and what a beautiful house they had. You get to tour the main three floors, of which have 90% of the original furnishings. The Conrad's youngest daughter, Alicia, gave the house to the state in 1974, along with all it's furnishings.
It cost $10 to take the tour but well worth it....however, no pictures are allowed. Learned this after I took these pics.
Whitefish Ski Resort |
View from Summit |
We then went to lunch at Panda Express. After lunch, Ron drove us to Whitefish to see the ski area. Took the ride to the summit. We were at the top about an hour and then took the ride down. Ron got us a great deal with his military discount...thanks Ron! Riley and I decided to do the Alpine Slide ride, had a blast. Ron, Deb & Bobby took a lift ride to the the lower lodge, while we took the ride. This area also has zip lines, tree houses, etc. Next time think we'll try the zip line!
Went back to Les Schwab and got their car around 6:00 and then headed home. Deb made turkey sandwiches. After dinner Riley and I took one last swim in the lake, he also leaves to go home tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll head for Helena.
August 16, 2013
Ron cooked breakfast for everyone today. Had eggs, ham, hashbrowns and toast. These two have spoiled us with all the cooking they've done this week. Guess we have to stopping telling everyone Deb can't
Decided to rest we came back to the motorhome to catch up on a few things. Bobby did laundry and worked on the seals around the slideouts, etc. I did a little cleaning, worked on my insurance women's bulletin and of course this blog. Hope you've enjoyed reading it so far!
August 15, 2013
Hiking (Riley, Jo & Chris) |
Ram |
Deb picked me up around 8:00 AM and we drove for approx 1 hr to get to her friend Chris' home on the east side of Flathead Lake. Chris gave us red velvet cupcakes to eat and then we headed out on a 3 mile walk. Walked around their 6 acre property.....was hoping to see a bear, but only saw it's droppings....darn!
On the walk back down the hill, we stopped at her friends Rod & Janice's home, Rod gave us a tour. He's a huge collector of stuff....very interesting to see his collections.
Dinner at Many Springs |
Tom & Chris on the boat |
Once we arrived back at Chris' home, we picked cherries....they are so good, picked about 4 buckets worth. They have about 300 commercial trees....a small farm for this area.
We then drove back to Deb's house, the boys were back from their day of helping Ron's friend Joe fix some problem at the hospital....had to do with their refrigeration units.
Later in the afternoon, Riley & I went swimming, while everyone else rested inside, has become a daily ritual with us. Around 4:00 PM, Chris and Tom came over and we loaded in the boat. Ron took us on tour around Wild Horse island, we had the opportunity to see rams and deer. Very cool!
trying to scare bears away |
Sunset on the lake |
We then drove the boat to the east shore of the lake and had dinner at Many Springs Restaurant. It was expensive but good.
Came back to Ron and Deb's at dark. Deb feed us her Cherry Pie...delicious. We then called it a night and came home
August 14, 2013
Arrived at their house at 7:00, Riley could not get out of bed, so he'll not being playing golf with us. We loaded up the truck and headed to Polson to play golf at Polson Country Club. Very nice course. Bobby beat me by 3 stokes...he did not play well, but I played much better than I have been....happy with my 93.
Ron cooking a turkey |
Ron did OK, Deb hasn't played since leaving Havasu, so she struggled but we had a great time and laughed our way around the course.
Took them back home around 1:30 and then came home. I forgot my swimsuit. Got home and Bobby decided to wash the truck. I cleaned the coach and then we left to return to Ron & Deb's around 4:00 PM.
Doe near their house |
Ron deep fried a turkey for dinner...amazing. We'd had these years ago and had forgotten how wonderful it is. Deb made a marinaded salad and I brought a macaroni salad. One of their friends (Joe) who used to work with Ron joined us for dinner. We had enough food to feed an army, little alone six of us. For dessert, Deb made a Flathead Cherry was a frozen pie, reminds you of Cherry Garcia Ice Cream.
We left around 9:00, about 2 houses down the lane, we saw a doe in the road. Also just before we got to the hwy, we saw three laying in a field. Love them!
August 13, 2013
Ron showing us the lake (Ron, Bobby & Riley) |
Met up with Ron & Deb around 10:00 AM at their house. We left the house around 11:00 and head out in the boat for a ride towards the North end of the lake. Ron took us along the west shoreline and showed us many houses owned by famous people. Some of these homes are magnificent.
On the boat |
We then crossed the lake and headed to Bigfork. Quaint little town on the east side of the lake. We moored the boat and then walked about a block, where we arrived at main street. We poked around in the shops, ate cookies, cupcakes and ice cream. Fun way to spend a couple of hours.
Jack Hanna's home |
We returned to the boat and took a leisure tour down the east side. Along the way we passed Jack Hanna's home...magnificent. It's a huge home. Shortly afterwards the storm clouds started to form, so we headed for home.
Preparing bike for the water |
Upon arriving at the house, we could see that the thunderstorm was going to go around us, so Riley and I decided to go swimming. We have a blast jumping off the dock, time and time again. Deb even did it twice with us!
Ron cooked elk hamburgers for dinner....delicious!
On Deb's deck |
After dinner, back to the lake for more swimming. Riley wanted to ride his bike off the dock into the lake. Deb helped him secure a life jacket to it, so it would float. What a kick it was to watch him.
I was exhausted from all the swimming, so we headed home around 9:00. We have to get up early tomorrow, as we are playing golf at 8:00, means we'll pick them up at 7:00
August 12, 2013
St Mary Lake |
Donald Lake |
Started the morning by driving to west entrance to Glacier National Park. Looked around the visitor center and then head out on the "road to the sun". It's a 52 mile long drive from West Glacier to St May. We made numerous stops at the pullouts, Logans Pass, etc. You have many opportunities to view the glaciers, waterfalls, valleys, etc. It's a beautiful drive that takes about 3 hrs.
Touching a glacier |
One of many waterfalls |
Once we got to St Mary, we took hwy 89 to the 49 and then hwy 2 back to West Glacier. Along this route, you go by the east entrance to the NP. This took us about 3 hrs also to come back home. It was a long drive, drove about 250 miles but well worth the trip.
After we arrived back home, Ron & Riley stopped by, the were out grocery shopping for Deb. We'll meet up with them later this evening to go out to dinner.
August 11, 2013
Ron & Deb's house |
We arrived at Lakeside, Mt around 2:30 (we are now in Mountain Time). Got settled in at Edgewater RV Park, had lunch and then headed to Ron & Deb's place. They live about 10 miles south of Lakeside in Rollins, MT.
On flathead Lake |
They have a home on one of the inlets on Flat Head Lake. It's beautiful, has a boat dock and all. We were there about an hour and then they took us for a boat ride on the lake. We got to see Wayne Newton's home, which is fairly close to theirs. We also got to see the castle house as it called, it's on an island and is up for sale for $65 Million.....want to buy it? We stopped and floated two times, so Deb and I could jump in the lake . Must say, first time was a little tough getting into the 70 degrees, a little cool.
Jumping off the dock (Jo & Riley) |
We then came back to their house, their grandson Riley is staying with them, so him and I went for a dagger ride around the bay they live on. After we arrived back at the house, we decided to jump of the dock and play in the water.
Deb & Ron cooked steaks for dinner....they were excellent. By the time dinner was over, I was exhausted, so we came home.